All posts by Kitsch

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

And so does anti-doctor spray.

But that’s not the point.

The point is that I’m finally level 60, after being 5x for the longest time EVER. But of course, in order to get to level 60, I’d have to start playing Maple again. Which I have, due to extreme boredom. And by extreme boredom, I mean EXTREME boredom. In fact, it’s boredom so extreme that it has a special name. That name is ‘rjsdkgsdlkhsd’. But that’s not the point either. read more

“Dead people?”

“In my HHG?”
It’s more likely than you think.

So I logged on to MS this evening, nice and refreshed from my daily nap. And ready to do some LMPQing, since the small supply of mesars I had stashed on my mule was beginning to deplete more rapidly than I had expected. Except I wasn’t in Ludi, I was in Henesys. Why, I had no idea, because if I knew that then I wouldn’t be there. read more

i r nub merchant.

The title basically says it all.

Despite my relentless LMPQing, I haven’t been able to get past 10 mil. So I figured I needed another way to make money. Well, there’s Gachapon. Can’t do that, I’m too broke to buy any more NX. There’s… uh…



Buy low, sell high, all that jazz. I have friends who make a hundred mil a week doing that. All they do is spam “B> SCROLLS” in the FM entrance, rip off a bunch of nubs and leave their shops up overnight – waking up to several mil. Didn’t seem too difficult. read more

Yay for reg coupons and venti espressos!


So today, I’d finally gotten my hands on a $10 Nexon cash card (after checking about five Duane Reades and a Rite Aid – do they even have them at Duane Reade anymore?). Initially, I just wanted to change my hairstyle, since I was getting sick of mine. I got the Rose a month ago during an attempt to get the Sonara Wave, which is a Ludi EXP hair – I ran out of coupons. And yeah. read more

LMPQ ftw.


I’ll admit, I was a bit skeptical at first. Everyone keeps talking about how it’s awesome money and awesome exp, all rolled up into a neato burrito of awesomeness.

But still – it’s a PQ. Can’t be better than training. If I train, I know I can level at least once a day. With PQs, it’s pretty unpredictable. I could level twice a day or not at all, depending on the relative intelligence of whoever’s in the party and how many people are trying to get in to PQ at the same time. But I was bored and didn’t feel like training – after having to kill hundreds of thousands of electrophants, robots and whatnot for those stupid NLC quests, I didn’t want to see another monster again – sooo… read more

It wasn’t a rock…

Kso, I basically have the worst scrolling luck ever.

I hit level 50 today, and upon realizing that I couldn’t even afford a 1 attack PAC, I decided to buy a few cape LUK scrolls to scroll the green napoleon I’d gotten from LPQ. 30%s were the cheapest. Sooo I bought a bunch of those.

Then I saw someone selling a 3 LUK, 4 slot napoleon. Bought it. That’s half the job done, right? Me being an idiot as usual, I figured I couldn’t blow it up since I’d already blown up three saunas and a pair of snowshoes in a row yesterday. I mean, my luck couldn’t possibly get any worse… right? read more

Yeah, baby, yeah!

Level 48. Forty-eight. Quarante-huit. That’s only two levels away from 50, and outleveling my friend Lucky who levels way too fast for her own freaking good. Oh, and three levels away from being able to LMPQ, which I hear is a godsend for perpetually destitute people such as yours truly. (bigwordslol.) Yeah, I know, it’s a PQ. And when you PQ, you usually have to deal with people who are… well, a few colors short of a rainbow. And that generally requires patience. Which I don’t have. read more

Level 47, chyeah.

Not bad.
Two levels in two days. And three levels away from level 50. Mmm. I can almost taste my new 4 attack, 10 LUK Pink Adventurer’s Cape…

…which I don’t actually have, and probably never will. I have exactly 9 mil right now. That might buy me a clean 1 attack PAC – far below the standards most people will agree on as “good”. “Good” is a 46 attack kandayo. “Good” is a 14 attack glove. “Good” is, unfortunately, out of my reach, as someone who can’t exactly afford to buy 500 gachapon tickets every week. Or even a store permit, for that matter. I do all of my trading via Basil, where I’m forced to sell my items at less than half the overpriced amount most FM merchants are selling at. read more


After about a week of being level 45, I FINALLY leveled up – no thanks to Ludi PQ, which I’ve officially concluded is a serious waste of time.

I’d probably be better off training on snails.

It generally ends with me getting annoyed and going off to train on Platoons, then getting bored and going back to Eos to PQ again, and so on. And eventually, I never get in. By then I’m pissed off that I’ve wasted so much time, so I decide to just log off. I guess I just have really bad luck, because my friends are PQing and leveling once a day.
Talk about unfair. :[ read more


You know what really grinds my gears?

Jump quests. Ohhh man.

So I was PQing today, and after missing about five times in a row (omg leder nub cliker!!@@@@), I was thoroughly ticked off and decided to call it quits. Didn’t feel like training, though – plus, the only place where I actually get somewhat decent exp is STDs, and finding a channel was nearly impossible at that time of the day. But I was at 30% – almost a third of the way away from level 46, and level 16 haste. Haaaaste. Mmm. read more