You know what really grinds my gears?
Jump quests. Ohhh man.
So I was PQing today, and after missing about five times in a row (omg leder nub cliker!!@@@@), I was thoroughly ticked off and decided to call it quits. Didn’t feel like training, though – plus, the only place where I actually get somewhat decent exp is STDs, and finding a channel was nearly impossible at that time of the day. But I was at 30% – almost a third of the way away from level 46, and level 16 haste. Haaaaste. Mmm.
Well, the only other way of getting exp would be quests. -cue creepy horror movie music-
The exp rewards from all those quests wouldn’t be enough to level me up, but at least I’d cool down a bit, so that I wouldn’t blow up at the next person to beg me for corn chips.
After I’d finished what I thought were all the quests in Ludi available at my level, a quick check of my quest list informed me otherwise. There was one left. Jump quest. Craptastic. Well, there was a chance of getting a 10% shoe jump scroll by finishing it. Those sold for about 900k, didn’t they? Not too shabby.
So I ran over to the toy factory and attempted to do the jump quest.
By the time I’d been kicked out of the map (I ran out of time), I’d succeeded in irritating my friends by spamming random letters into buddy chat, as well as breaking my caps lock, tab, 1, and 2 keys. Which wouldn’t be that big of a deal if I didn’t spend close to $100 a year on new keyboards.
Yeah, I kinda have anger issues.
There aren’t any words in the English language that can describe my loathing for jump quests. I remember spending five hours on one of Shumi’s quests on my first character at level 2x. Five FUDGING hours. dfjkghdfjkfhdfhd. And I still didn’t finish it. >____>
Since then, I’ve pretty much avoided jump quests like the plague.
So, MMOT-ers, I ask you…
Have you had a worse experience with JQs? Are they really impossible? Are you actually good at them? If so… what’s the secret?
Or am I simply jump quest challenged?
I kind of know your pain. When I had to do the Crumbling Statue quest I got all the way to the top after an hour or so of jumping and then before I could click the flowers my finger spased and I fell alllllll the way down to the bottom. T^T I literally cried for like 5 minutes because of that. I completed the quest but I never attempted any more jump quests after that.
Cuz, you know, emotional distress. D:
It’s all in the timing, my dear.
And I wish I could play with you. You seems like an interesting person
you know what really grinds my gears?
you america.
F*** YOU!
I kind of know your pain. When I had to do the Crumbling Statue quest I got all the way to the top after an hour or so of jumping and then before I could click the flowers my finger spased and I fell alllllll the way down to the bottom. T^T I literally cried for like 5 minutes because of that. I completed the quest but I never attempted any more jump quests after that.
Cuz, you know, emotional distress. D:”
Yup. I got this one just a few weeks ago, too.
(Note to self: Invest in stress ball.)
You mean the level 15 Sleepywood JQ? That’s actually the only jump quest I can do. It’s pretty easy, you just have to know when to duck and when to jump. Which I suppose could be applied to all the other jump quests, but whatever. <_<
I remember I used to hang out in the second part of that quest in channel 1 about two years ago when I’d just started playing Maple. Met a few good friends there, actually.
Funny how those things work out.
And I wish I could play with you. You seems like an interesting person
Timing, got it.
And thanks.
Make a character in Broa (read: the BEST server, no matter what anyone else says), and you can. x]
I’ve had worse experience. I’m okay at most jump quests, except for that Ellinia jump quest. Level 50. I only got to part 4. Not even part 5! It was effing hell. I spent about 12 hours on it (in total). Never made it.
Oh and about the keyboard situation:
Why don’t you buy those cheap keyboards off of eBay?
Yiiikes. Ouch. That must’ve sucked.
And whoa, part 5? How many parts are there? o___o
Why don’t you buy those cheap keyboards off of eBay?”
I would, but then it’d take a while for them to actually get here, you get the idea. And I think I’ve made it clear that I’m not exactly the most patient person on the planet.
My very first jump quest it took me like, an hour or 2 to get all the way up to the top (with one of my friends doing it with me to show me how) and then I fell, all the way down, to the bottom, and had to start over. ><
I consider myself a SLIGHT jumping quest enthusiast ( I do Shumi’s second quest while waiting for the NLC subway ) but I’m not as good as some others.
Still, if I were smarter, I’d be a little less good, ‘cuz my friends constantly want me to do them for them =(
, Seriously, what? I quoted something without realizing it?
That’s the third time this week. >_<
When I used to play I made a friend do them for me. He thought it was amazing, and kept on doing them.
>.> I suck at JQ.
But I have a brother that’s pretty okay at it, so yeah. And I’ve gotten pretty good at the ones in GPQ, so I’m okay.
But I do remember once when I locked myself in Sabimatra’s JQ, and got out only two weeks- one month later. :X With the help of two other friends at the keyboard too (we did a rotation thingy). Trick is to relax and go away for a bit if you get frustrated. It’s never helpful if you keep hammering at it/your keyboard.
Jump quests yield pleasing results when I’m feeling nice and floaty =D At any other time, they’d kill me. That’s when I ask my sister to the keyboard.
I jump B3 every time I decide to train my cleric
… which is practically never anyways >>;
It took me 8 hours and 25~40 minutes to finsh the level 15 jump quest. I sucked so badly that day. I got pissed off. Cheap keyboards are durable :].
If you’re into computers get a G15 Keyboard and a G5 mouse. It might help with your JQ skills.
~Lily x33.
Nice blog, but TBH? JQ’s are the easiest type of quests there are. I’d rather finish a JQ in like ~20 minutes rather than collect a hellload of random items in order to complete one. Anyway, this was before I quit MS, but that one you’re doing? took me 5 minutes. O_O’
Okay, a few tips here and there. . .
Make sure that your jump key is on a small key. Example: If your jump key is on the space bar, there’s a more likely chance to fail since the time that the space bar reaches down into the button takes a longer time, compared to if the jump action was placed on the key “z”.
Simply put, only use one finger to jump, and put the jump action on the smallest key you can find.
They don’t call it the Forest of Patience for nothing. If you went all out for 5 hours, you’re pretty patient, but it just DOESN’T help if you get stressed by doing it! Nexon’s original purpose for JQ’s was for one to meditate for a while, and relax. If you’re getting angrier by the second, take a break. Don’t stress out completely. Read a book. Go outside and jump for a while. Swing a golf club or two.
Well, apparently JQ’s need to get used to. . . practice makes perfect. I had so much fun with Shumi I just did it 10 times for the heck of it. ;_;” It’s obvious that you hate them, but once you do it a few times, you’ll start to like it. ^^ Do Shumi’s, as you get rewards at the end, and it is one of the hardest around.
Oh and do not ever panic during a JQ. For example, if you’re looking at a difficult jump and thinking “omg liek nt possible ffs” (noob style ftw), don’t let that refrain you from trying! Keep a positive attitude, and if you fail, at least . . . oh yeah, keep something nearby for squashing if you never took anger management, it really helps.
I think that’s about it. o_o’ OH! And WATCH people on YouTube do it! It actually does help and some even have tricks in them!
I don’t do them anymore since I don’t like being irritated to such a degree. I’ve done several so far, but the Ludi one I’ve never finished, and I’ve tried it like 5 times.
I resigned myself to never try again.
Yeah. Jump quests are a pain in the ass.
Ohhh man. I did like, 3 or 4 on my mage. I never do them
My friend chase does them for me. I tried doing the second ellinia jq, oh god >.> My poor BL LOL. I was spazzing and swearing and spamming. then I gave up.
And the Zakum jump quest is EVIL. I managed to get one jump away from the end, but like, you had to have PURE luck in order to get past it. EVIL. I never finished it. I’m like CHASEEE. DO IT FOR MEEEE.
~Lily x33.”
I’ll look into that, I’d have to be careful not to break it though.
Okay, a few tips here and there. . .
Make sure that your jump key is on a small key. Example: If your jump key is on the space bar, there’s a more likely chance to fail since the time that the space bar reaches down into the button takes a longer time, compared to if the jump action was placed on the key “z”.
Simply put, only use one finger to jump, and put the jump action on the smallest key you can find.
They don’t call it the Forest of Patience for nothing. If you went all out for 5 hours, you’re pretty patient, but it just DOESN’T help if you get stressed by doing it! Nexon’s original purpose for JQ’s was for one to meditate for a while, and relax. If you’re getting angrier by the second, take a break. Don’t stress out completely. Read a book. Go outside and jump for a while. Swing a golf club or two.
Well, apparently JQ’s need to get used to. . . practice makes perfect. I had so much fun with Shumi I just did it 10 times for the heck of it. ;_;” It’s obvious that you hate them, but once you do it a few times, you’ll start to like it. ^^ Do Shumi’s, as you get rewards at the end, and it is one of the hardest around.
Oh and do not ever panic during a JQ. For example, if you’re looking at a difficult jump and thinking “omg liek nt possible ffs” (noob style ftw), don’t let that refrain you from trying! Keep a positive attitude, and if you fail, at least . . . oh yeah, keep something nearby for squashing if you never took anger management, it really helps.
I think that’s about it. o_o’ OH! And WATCH people on YouTube do it! It actually does help and some even have tricks in them!”
I’ve seen the YouTube videos.
It’s basically like, “o hay look at me i r gud @ jqs lawl”
Not helpful.
I seriously don’t think those people are human. >_>
Well, the YouTube ones are good for spotting timing tricks. Like, where to go at which spots etc. Ignore the inhuman-ness, and focus on the technique that they use, even if you have to back and forth the video a couple of times.