Yay for reg coupons and venti espressos!


So today, I’d finally gotten my hands on a $10 Nexon cash card (after checking about five Duane Reades and a Rite Aid – do they even have them at Duane Reade anymore?). Initially, I just wanted to change my hairstyle, since I was getting sick of mine. I got the Rose a month ago during an attempt to get the Sonara Wave, which is a Ludi EXP hair – I ran out of coupons. And yeah.

I figured I’d have enough for a Ludi VIP hair style coupon and a beanie.

But then I wanted to change my hair and eye color, too. 10k NX wouldn’t be enough for all of that, obviously, even if I got all REG coupons. Maybe I shouldn’t have stopped by Starbucks for those two venti espressos. Could’ve bought a $25 card instead. Booo. But anyway, I didn’t want to risk getting some crappy hairstyle, especially since I’ve had nothing but bad luck with regular coupons in the past.
For instance, on my first character, before VIP coupons came out…

“I don’t know, I only have enough for one coupon… I might get the Stella or something awful like that. And then I wouldn’t be able to change it back.”
“Go on, use it! I got the Angelica on my first try.”
“Eh… alright, I’ll try it.”

“What’d you get?”
“Take your hat off.”
“Come on, take it offfff!”

Well, I was getting a VIP hairstyle coupon, no question about that. So I decided not to get the beanie, and got regular cosmetic lens and hair color coupons instead. Hopefully I’d get green for both, but whatever I did get would be better than the plain black hair and eyes, right?

(lol @ Nexon changing the default eye color to black so people would buy more NX.)

Sooo I went to the hair salon in Ludi and got the Naomi hairstyle with my VIP coupon. I considered getting the Candy Heart style, but the Naomi would look better under hats. Besides, the Candy Heart’d make my forehead look big. And if there’s anything I hate, it’s big pixelated foreheads. But yeah – good riddance, weird curly grey pigtail things. Then I clicked on the assistant stylist chick, selected regular hair color and closed my eyes.

I nearly fell asleep before I realized I had to open them.


Hoping I’d at least get hazel eyes to match, I made my way up to the plastic surgery place (and fell off the ladder under FM several times in the process). Clicked the cosmetic lens dude. Closed my eyes. Opened them.

Amethyst. That weird eye color that’s kinda between purple and pink (the two most evil colors in existence). Ew. Ehh… at least it matched my bandana? >_>;

Oh well, at least I can LMPQ in relative pixely non-hideousness now. And non-zombieness. Caffeine ftw – although unfortunately, it hasn’t improved my ability (or rather, lack thereof) to make any type of sense.


Picature numero uno: Me, post-reg coupon blunder. (You can’t really see the eye color… eh.)
Piiiiiiiicature numero dos: Craptacular damage. See, it sucks, even with steroids.

11 thoughts on “Yay for reg coupons and venti espressos!”

  1. “From the Italian word ‘venti’ meaning ‘twenty.’ A Starbucks twenty ounce coffee drink is known as a venti.”

  2. The more we use Starbucks lingo the closer we get to them taking over the world.

  3. NobodyNight said: “The more we use Starbucks lingo the closer we get to them taking over the world.

    They took over the world a long time ago, silly.

    I’m still waiting for those frappuccino fountains they promised. >[

  4. The eye doesn’t look so bad .

    I made a worse mistake .

    Bought a reg , got a sucky hair so I bought a prepaid .

    Another reg , with a suckier one .

    Reg again and got back the same hari as before -.-

  5. link

    Yeah. I have only ever used one hair coupon, and it was regular. It gave me the Rose hair, and subsequently, two whole years of fun complaining about it. (Srsly. It’s too freaking girly for me. >.&gt

    And I like amethyst! ! And Pink and Purple! ^__^

  6. Kitsch said: “

    NobodyNight said: “The more we use Starbucks lingo the closer we get to them taking over the world.

    They took over the world a long time ago, silly.
    I’m still waiting for those frappuccino fountains they promised. >[“

    Time to begin the revolution!

  7. Hah, losers.
    From that free hair quest. Not a penny spent.
    (-wishes low level warrior junk looked a little nicer-) >>;

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