All posts by varun619

Funny videos and pictures.

Hi. This is Varun again.

Well, I did log on to maple this past week. It was really boring. But I did manage to get a really funny situation.

Well,I went to the free market and picked on some random girl.

I told her that she’s so hot and cute. She asked me to be her BF. I played on and said “I love you” and stuff.

What followed was this epic picture: link read more


So what’s up with MMOT.

I pretty much quit maple. It was extremely boring. I only log on to talk to some friends sometimes. Or else…no maple for me.

Oh and the new patch is great. I don’t know why people are complaining about it.

So let me write about the day I logged on to check the patch.

I logged on. There was a buddy list glitch. No problem. I was in Ludibrium. read more

Video madness!

Haha,so Basil’s been having a lot of fun lately. You get to make introduction videos about yourself stating 5 facts. I made one too for teh lulz

So yeah,watch that. And yeah,that’s me . And go to basil if you want to participate.

So on Maple news. I quit.

Well,don’t tell me you didn’t see it coming,I gave you a good warning in my last blog. read more