So what’s up with MMOT.
I pretty much quit maple. It was extremely boring. I only log on to talk to some friends sometimes. Or else…no maple for me.
Oh and the new patch is great. I don’t know why people are complaining about it.
So let me write about the day I logged on to check the patch.
I logged on. There was a buddy list glitch. No problem. I was in Ludibrium.
So I went to the FM and started spamming “B>SOME HOT ASS” AND “B>HOT GIRLS” after which someone came up to me and said “Take mine.”
So I got bored of that and went to the ship for orbis. There was a magician there. I had a hint she was isreali. So I said Hi. She said Hi. Then she said “Plzz 70k i have 601k poor”.
My analytical skills proved worthy. So I stalked her for a while saying “I GM I BAN U”. She came to orbis and I followed her there too. So after having fun with her,I decided to log off.
Well,good ol’ maple.
Anyways,I made a new video too.
Hope you like it lulz.
Anyways,that’s pretty much it.
Aw man, I got VarunRoll’d
*Kills self*
I’m not touching that link.
Yeah. I had to be Varun-rolled. It was excellent, it made me laugh my ass off. x3
LOLL wthh, that was such a strange song XD
ROFL That was hilarious
GoshÂ…you’re such comedy. XD
what? ! ? !
How do I fall for that when the title even says the word!
~LaZzz. . .
I clicked on it because I actually thought it was a rick roll.(Yes, i like that song.)
And, it was rather strange.
Is it just me or has our info on Captain (Bogdan) leaked to Basil?