All posts by Ipod123432


Doublethink. A strange word from George Orwell’s book Nineteen-Eighty-Four. What does it mean? We turn to Wikipedia for that:

Wikipedia said: “Doublethink is the act of simultaneously and fervently holding two mutually contradictory beliefs.”

Or a better and more detailed (and confusing) quotation:

Wikipedia said: “The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them . . . To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.”

How does this affect us? Every day in Maple, thousands of Maplers utilize doublethink without even knowing it. Heck, I bet most of them don’t know what doublethink means.
Doublethink is mainly used to motivate and/or demotivate.
For example: Maple is fun and boring. Maple is good and bad. Apply doublethink to those, and that’s MapleStory for you.
Okay, now that I’ve gone over that to get you hooked, onto the blog! . . . Wait, this is the blog!
Ehehehe…[/run!!] read more

Maple N’ Meeting

A two-handed sword scroll. Just found it while traini…nvm, that’s part of my blog later. I gotta get you guys hyped up!

It’s been awhile since I last blogged. Been meaning to, but didn’t get motivated enough. But now, with the new patented Noob-Off, I am!
. . .
Also, I’m hoping that the load of likes from the last blog will spill onto this one. Thanks and have a nice day. read more


First, before I ever begin my blog, I say Shtink. Funny word, isn’t it? Just made it up. What it means? Good question. What does Shtink mean? o.0″ What, I don’t know! You guys press the like it button and come up with a meaning. Meh. -_- So onto the blog!

Neh, I don’t feel like it.
*hears the sound of no likes*
Okay, okay, I’ll start. Pic is me being a sin so this is maple-related.
But right now, I’m so confuzzled.
Where shall I begin? (Oh yeah, I’m not gonna make this very long so MasterCheeze actually reads it.) read more

Devil’s Digit


You’ll understand why I put that there later.

Anyways, I must say, I hardly expected to use a two-word title again. How I despise it. But too bad for me, because Unless I put ‘DD’, it won’t work. And DD sounds weird. So onto the blog!

This is mostly maple-related for some reason. Anyways, the Devil’s Digit. More commonly known as: read more

Nuuuu Maple!

Normally I don’t use two word titles. One word titles are better in my opinion But this blog is so…bloggy, that I have assigned it a two word title! Yes, it is THAT bloggy. First, I have to say one thing:

D*mn you MapleStory, d*mn you!!!!





*falls over dead from gunshot wound, arrow wound, throwing star wound, and sword wound* read more


Owie! Ouchie! Owie! Ouchie! Ow owch!! My mouth hurts Oh and before I forget. . .
*twirls around, takes out a shotgun, and shoots the critic sneaking up behind me*
Hehe, THAT’LL teach them to mess with meh! Bwahahahahahahaha!!!

Okay, now—


*falls over dead*

D@*! CRITICS! Sheesh, they’re everywhere! Oh well, blogging in spirit form is cooler, ’cause I won’t be interrupted by a certain group of people! read more


Before I start this blog, I must warn you this is not all about FlyFF. I’m sorry, but HEY, PUT THE GUN DOWN!!! PUT IT *crack* … … … everyone’s a critic, eh? Just some are more violent than others… meh. I over use ellipses (…). Maybe I should start overusing exclamation marks!! *crack crack* *drool* *dead* Okay, who the hell keeps shooting me? Am I like dead again? … Fine, I’ll get on with it. Hope ya like it (though ya probably won’t). read more



I had to get that outta my system…

Now onto teh blog!

But first, scroll down until you see the ‘I liked it’ button. Then press it. Afterwich, press the down button 7 times, and you shall arrive at my blog!!!


Now what is that warning sign for? Well, there is a rabid MMORPGer on the loose (meaning me). And by rabid, I mean somebody who can’t really stick to any game for now. So far, I’ve played like…4 MMORPGs this week. Yeah… read more

Please Try Again

Humph. I hate my internet now…
It’s EVIL!!!
Onto the Blog!

I’m usually an MapleStory player. Who likes to play MS. Who constantly dedicates himself to leveling. Who is not an addict and does not play for more than 3 hours at a time! And who has recently gotten bored of MS. Yeah…Anyways, I decided to try out another MMORPG!! Hurray! Which one was it?
Go to link and search up Gunz. I’m sure You’ll find it. I had only heard a few things about Gunz, but it was all I needed to know. read more

Ludi Maze Party Quest

Lvl 65 w00t! Also hi Mip.
Ludi Maze PQ. (Btw, this is MS). Not Ludi PQ (lvl 35-50) but Ludi MAZE PQ (51-70). Obviously, there’s a difference. Anyways, onto the topic!!!

Crud, you guys made me forget what I was gonna say…oh wait, I remember now! It all started at Straw Target Dummies…

“Yes!!!” my character shouted out as he noticed his exp percentage hit 90, which was good for a level 64 dit like me, “Only 10% more to go!”
Another bandit cced over to my channel and noticed me. He told me, “Hey, don’t train here. This isn’t good enough for you. Not good exp for ya.”
I replied, “Well, it’s good money!”
He smirked, “If you really want money, go ludi maze PQ. You’ll get boatloads of money!”
Obediently following his advice, I went back to the Mu Lung Temple and paid Hak 1,500 mesos to get to Herb Town, so I could pay 10,000 mesos to get to Aqua Road. From there, I paid (yet again) the Dolphin there 1k to get to the Sharp Unknown. I climbed up the well, and emerged in Korean Folk Town. I stayed there a bit to finish the Goblin quest which I had been too lazy to do. Killing the monsters easily and taking their drops, I chose the Goblin Cap, only to find it was a level 65 item! what!!! Anyways, I used my dark sight and haste to sprint to the Helios Tower Elevator. I quickly rode up it to the 99th floor, where I again activated my dark sight and haste to get to Ludibrium. I logged out, because I had to go. read more