Merchanting Rocks!


The other day I was browsing the Fm for a purple adv cape, and i come across a store selling diamonds for 50k a piece, and i think hey! that’s a great price!
So i buy 80 of them
I make a thread on basil saying that I am selling diamonds in bulk, and to message me on maple right now.

I sell 10 diamonds, and then I get banned.
So.. I make an auction stating that im selling 70 diamonds for 5.25 mil (75k each)
And When I check the next day, I have a bid for 7.25 mil! read more

Of Night Foxes and Lanterns

Lessee… Portents of The Coming of Doomsday Checklist

Imppala has rewritten his fanfic, and is planning chapter two already. . . Tick.

Imppala has not gone on a gaming spree during a long weekend break . . . Tick. o.O *World collapsing around head*


Tis true, reader o’mine. . . Mandos is now lv 48! My first level of the year! (Yes, YEAR. YOU READ CORRECTLY.) read more


You know what really grinds my gears?

Jump quests. Ohhh man.

So I was PQing today, and after missing about five times in a row (omg leder nub cliker!!@@@@), I was thoroughly ticked off and decided to call it quits. Didn’t feel like training, though – plus, the only place where I actually get somewhat decent exp is STDs, and finding a channel was nearly impossible at that time of the day. But I was at 30% – almost a third of the way away from level 46, and level 16 haste. Haaaaste. Mmm. read more

Boo! Bwhahaha!

Wow… o.O Haven’t been on here in like, forever and a flippin half.
Here’s some updates!

Alleymon: Level 32 Sin and is bored so you should bother her (she also is lots different looking then when I last blogged)
AlleyWolf: has been training in Eos Tower and is also VERY bored since NO ONE IS EVER ON IN KHAINI ANYMORE!! D<
aaaand introducing!!!
MajWolfie a soon to be Bowman who resides with AlleyWolf in Khaini. read more

The Incendiary Guild Outing

It all begain when Punk whispered Eon in his char.A guy who was to re-join back Incendiary once his family fixes his computor.Which was like…

More then 1/2 a year ago.

Aniway,he was at his friend’s house and borrowed the comp for a bit.

‘Hey’s Eon,Wanna be mine?’ That was the main point of the whisper.

Both he and her maple hubby forgot a very VERY IMPORTENT point. read more

Perfect World–Not so Perfect…

But an Okay World is fine too.

So kitten falls in toilet. He climbs out, soaking wet, and runs to me, yowling. I look down and see a yowling kitten. ._.? He climbs up onto my bed and on to my chest (which is flat enough for him to make his bed on >=(), looks directly at me and yowls some more. That is when I realize the yowling kitten is wet yowling kitten. I also realize that wet, yowling kitten smells like p*ss and sh*t. 😐 read more

[Fanfic]The Devil’s Child 3-4

Note,the Brotherhood is actually a guild in Henesys.
Chapter 3-The starting of a bond
Hours after hours passed, and he was still stranded on the tree. In a attempt to get rid of the slimes, he threw twigs and leaves at them, only to piss them further .Board, he began to climb up the branches of the tree, never occurring to him that the branches above were the filmiest. read more

[Naz] The LOST Ch-14


Episode-14: Chaos

Date: November 25, 3008
Time: 04:00
Location: Somewhere on the Ocean of Ossyria


The blackness closed in, bringing with it death and despair. There was no wind to interrupt the silence, only the terrified beating of the seven hearts in the room. My S-36X2 hung limply at my side, still hot from its recent fury. Spent bullet casings littered the floor like tiny drops of gold. read more

im tired of that…

im tired of noob say: mesos plox! or: mesos plox or i defame u! they so…. i dont know stupid! go get you money by yourself! or i kill you with my shotgun! but not all the noob want to say:mesos plox! to other people. in maple that one thing that piss me off!