But an Okay World is fine too.
So kitten falls in toilet. He climbs out, soaking wet, and runs to me, yowling. I look down and see a yowling kitten. ._.? He climbs up onto my bed and on to my chest (which is flat enough for him to make his bed on >=(), looks directly at me and yowls some more. That is when I realize the yowling kitten is wet yowling kitten. I also realize that wet, yowling kitten smells like p*ss and sh*t. 😐
But that is not the point here.
So I FINALLY got to play Perfect World today. It was a good playing day too.
I start off by looking up all of the quests I have to do.
I get started. A typical PW quest is either kill monsters or kill monsters and collect crap so that’s what I’m doing.
I wander near some guy gathering people for his party.
“We need a priest! A PRIEST!”
I (an Elf Priest) gets an invite. I immediately decline as I don’t like partying most of the time.
(Which by the way, sucks for me because the Elf Priest is totally a great party class but honestly, I picked it so I could fly AND heal myself–still a double win!)
Guy starts screaming something about a priest again and he sends another invite. I accept this time. I buff him and his friend and then I wait for him to find more people for the party. When he’s done, we go to kill a bunch of werewolves because all of us needed that quest.
We start hunting. Soon I find a target and I start to hit it. In mid-attack, I see,
“HEAL PLZ. HEAL!!! YUKU HEAL ME” (I’m Yuki >:[ )
I quickly reply, “ok hold on”
I finish off the werewolf (who nearly killed me by the way), and spot the HEAL PLZ guy running for his life with a werewolf on his heels. I kill the werewolf and then heal him.
No thx? >.>
We start on another mob. Soon he’s spamming, “HEAL PLZ HEAL NOW” to me. I’m start wondering, “Doesn’t this guy have any effing pots?”
Nobody else is really asking for heals as much as this guy. I would occasionally get the heal plz from someone who was near death and I’d run over asap to heal them and I’ve gotten no complaints. But this guy was around 3/4 health and he wanted me to heal him.
After awhile I ignore him and only heal him when he needs it despite his ‘HEAL NOW’ spamming.
Soon he tells me, “Don’t attack anything. Just heal.” I tell him, “I need to finish this quest too.” He replies, “Don’t worry about it now. Heal.” If i knew how to leave parties I would have left at that moment. Instead I told him to kick me from the party. He asks, “WHY??????”
“….. *flies away*”
Later on he PMs me, “Where are you?? We need heals!!”
I ignore. Shortly after I get kicked. ^^
It’s a good thing this wasn’t MS or I would have been flamed until the end of time. Haha…
I’ve been recruited into a new guild. It’s called MagicianZ or something like that. It basically recruits only mages, priests, magicians, etc… Guy recruits me and tells me that Elf Priests are hard to find in the game.
O rly? He as a point there… I don’t really see many Elf Priests around…
(It’s really funny that I happened to randomly meet an EP who happened to be from the same state as I…? Weird, huh? That is neither here nor there though.)
I wasn’t going to join but I figured haha it says Magician so whatever… I don’t think I will be in this guild for very long. I was promoted to Captain the minute I accepted. Apparently, your rank is determined by your level. Which is, from my observations, NOT a great way to run a guild. Later on, some guy named DeBoo or something like that is recruited. He’s asking a million questions about the recruiter’s level, rank, characters, etc, etc. and he’s complaining about how quiet the guild members are. I remain silent because I don’t want to be interrogated like that. Soon, (like 15 minutes into the convo) this guy is asking to be promoted to Commander. The recruiter says, “Not until you’re level 25.” I get the feeling he’s going to kick a lot of ppl if he does get a rank up.
I think if I don’t find a better guild, I’ll just leave. I want to join an easygoing, serious guild with lots of entertaining, active people. I don’t know if that kind of guild exists for me (all of the good guilds seem to be for the higher levels) but it’s not really necessary for me to be in one. I just like having a good laugh while healing.
Anyway, I get some quests done. My cultivation level goes up. Transform! (Do I get to transform into anything?) I get new buffs. I go on a buffing spree when I notice a huge cluster of people hunting in the middle of a forest. Out of all of the people I buffed and healed, I got only like two thank yous. ;-; It’s fine. Knowing I helped people fulfills my heart and soul…kind of… *sniff*
It was kind of funny though because I was kind of floating around in the air and shifting stuff around in my inventory when I looked down and saw a small crowd of people under me waiting for buffs. Haha I wish I got an SS of that.
When I started hunting again, I was harassed with requests to join people’s parties. Ahh! What kills me is that they would send the invite while I was in the middle of a fight and then stand there and wait while I fight for my life. D: I mean, couldn’t they wait until I wasn’t preoccupied or help me out or something? Geez. *rolls eyes*
I leveled up to 24. I wanted to get to 25 today (which is a good solid number, you know?) but as I have to go to the hospital today (to visit grandma), my mom wants me to get off the puter. Haha…
Just one last thing! Five more minutes!
I’m so tired though. -_-
Let thar be screenshots!
Captain Seriousface
A serious argument(Part 1)
This argument is srs(Part 2)
Sorry, if this blog is incoherent. I’m half asleep at the moment…
I R lvl 78 WR in Delphi server.
I wanna hit 79 badly, I got some cool new armor!
Well, first thing you should know.
1- If the person has a blue name, it means they’re below lvl 30, and thus probably have no clue what they’re doing.
2- If your in a party, and someone else kills a monster, but you need it for a quest, if your in the area, you’ll still get the kill.
3- Once you get lvl 30, a whole new world will open. The World of PKing!”
Ahh, I feel kind of dumb now. I should have just shut up and healed.
Thanks for the tips. Now that I know that, I see that there are a lot of newbies around, >.> I feel so far from level 30 now. 
Eh? Kitty in the dryer? omg nnnooo T^T
lol thanks repty.
So much words. Where are the videos?!
Grimno didn’t write this blog, Dest. o.o
Oh, I’m so accustomed to Grimno writing Perfect World blogs that I thought it was him D:
lol, >.<;
Seeing that noone in the Trumpets in WC are recognizable, you must be in the Oracle server.
I R lvl 78 WR in Delphi server.
I wanna hit 79 badly, I got some cool new armor!
Well, first thing you should know.
1- If the person has a blue name, it means they’re below lvl 30, and thus probably have no clue what they’re doing.
2- If your in a party, and someone else kills a monster, but you need it for a quest, if your in the area, you’ll still get the kill.
3- Once you get lvl 30, a whole new world will open. The World of PKing!
it hoguht it was grimno XDDDD
errr throw kitty in teh dryer?
*is entertained by the bit about the kitten*
I likey title :]