All posts by SshDeeJay

È giusto.

Well Helloooooo

I have no idea where to start
*taps keys*

Oh well let’s start with what this site intends for shall we?

I’m due for a ….*shifty eyes* Zhelm. I think thats exciting. 80m and 40 goes to whatever guild sounds reasonable and the rest for …uh …Well nothing I don’t really need anything else. So I’ll have 40 random spending money & 40 for some random stranger to get me a shiny helm thing…thingy
Random strangers
always do better at the job then me anyway.
I’m tempted to get more gach tickets to see if I can get another SCglove thing.
Gah they’re so ugly too but they go for like 40 – 60m
I bought a 4 int 2 slot kage for 3m
snickers (not the candy but I could go for one right now.) read more

(Can’t think of a proper title)

Long time no type. Or something rather.

Lets start with….
Me being 111. I didn’t take an ss because I was on the phone spazzing …& Well I forgot? (mumbles)
Lets also add in that I got a storm caster from NLC I’m yet to sell it ..I like wearing it haha. Only good thing I ever got from those moron machines.
I’m thinking of getting a new kage. My dmg sucks right now. I want a pygo.. And argh I hate those stupid crystal ilbis You cant even re-charge them until showa ~__~ I know its a few patches away & all but meeh.. I haven’t even seen anyone use em *f3*
Also where are all the fire arch mages at?! I swear I’m yet to see one all i see are Bishops (yuck) and Ice arch mages (shudders)
None of them are in my guild or I dont see them in leafre. I acutally went looking for an F.p arch mage
Found = none
. read more

Elixer Isn’t half bad

Donnie: I made a new friend today.
Dr. Lilian Thurman: Real or imaginary?
Donnie: Imaginary.

I love Donnie Darko =)
It’s one of those movies that makes you think and go “aww !&@^” at the end.
I’ve been watching a lot of…odd movies lately.
-Donnie Darko
-Edward Scissor Hands
-Sleepy Hollow


Eh So Far I turn off my maple life It’s …Not existent anymore to me. Lv 110 w/ Aorund 10…15%. read more

Ohhh Yay

Thus the hard work!
About time

It took maybe an hour the skele’s give like 4.5 to like 4.7 I think. No boomerang book though thats my point to training at skele’s
I did find a lvl 100 bowman overall so yippy (? shrugs lol)
Auron came to cheer me on o_o . I mostly LVL alone all the time so it was nice having company
Although Auron is werid…He says the weirdest things D:
I made 2m today off training. Werid I NEVER make money I mostly ….loose it I guess
I’m going for 111 now T__T wish me luck. I’m happy i have enough money to DO so. read more


It wont dieee

Haha Well It had like 1Hp Left so I just let it slowly die
I am training ATM but I thought I would write one of these early (Kinda tired & my butt is asleep lol)
& I love training with my Pico hammer it’s so fun. Although my dmg sucks with out my Kage.

I’m gonna try to get 60% and Go to sleeeeeep
This next week is Job hunting oooo no…not fun AT all ._. read more


Tis the impression I gets

Hah the text is small but its the idea I got
Today was good. Did a lot of training got to 70% (Still training ATM.)

I might stop at Lvl then get 10-20% 😡 I want 110 darn it!!
I don’t have much of any plans this week. I’m going to go wash my car tomorrow

Just chill

Better Infact Good


& That would be my char.
So I didn’t go with the polar bear thing *shrugs*

Today was pretty good I went to Irvine.
Got a %
Found out my boyfriend is moving NEAR me ACTUALLY >-> …NEAR ME PEOPLE DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?
it means REAL dating not like 4 times a year dating but ACTUALLY DATING …He might move near Oceanside o_o I live 2 mins away from Oceanside …happy as a clam …are clams happy? read more

Well You know When. . .

I thought I would do this earlier then usual
I write my thoughts or whatever when I go to sleep yet I still think about them.

So right now Blink 182 – I miss you fits me perfectly
And Watching House makes me feel better because Well I find hospitals and cocky puns very funny

AfK on ms. I’ve been busting my butt for my friend to finish like 1000000+ quests it’s totally shocking how many quests this girl has lol. read more

hehhh xD

Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
Talking about falling I’m the god of it lol.
But It just spoke to me.
Like when saying “Everything happens for a reason” or “Expect the unexpected”

Eh today was cool. When I say cool I mean boring.

News: No Lvling – No skill books
No lvling because I was …Afk for like who knows how long and yeah read more