Well Helloooooo
I have no idea where to start
*taps keys*..hm..
Oh well let’s start with what this site intends for shall we?
I’m due for a ….*shifty eyes* Zhelm. I think thats exciting. 80m and 40 goes to whatever guild sounds reasonable and the rest for …uh …Well nothing I don’t really need anything else. So I’ll have 40 random spending money & 40 for some random stranger to get me a shiny helm thing…thingy
Random strangers
always do better at the job then me anyway.
I’m tempted to get more gach tickets to see if I can get another SCglove thing.
Gah they’re so ugly too but they go for like 40 – 60m
I bought a 4 int 2 slot kage for 3m
snickers (not the candy but I could go for one right now.)