All posts by applebomb

Where have all the [Nice People] gone?

Does anyone else here notice the horrible reputation that gamers get? I mean, it’s a given that on every game there’s a complete jackass out there that decides to do things to ruin the gaming experience for others.

It’s almost expected of gamers (especially younger ones) to throw around swear words (especially derogatory terms for homosexuals and black people-not “African American” since it’s just as racist to assume their heritage is Africa) and think nothing of it. How often do you get on a game to have a twelve year old call you a “f-g” and a noob just because they know you can’t do anything about it? How many times a day do these kids say the word “f-g” just because they get away with it? read more


Anyone that I’ve apparently sent messages to (with the exception of people who had received responses that seemed rational), anyone I’ve called a dork or goofball or creeped out: It’s all Cheeze’s fault. That crazy ego-maniac was having a little fun on my MMOT account.
Granted, he gets away with it only with charm, charisma, etc. If not, I’d beat the Amish out of him. YOU HEAR THAT, CHEEZE? I’m gonna give you such a pinch… read more

WoW, Weaboos

I haven’t updated in a while, mainly because I haven’t played an MMO until recently (this past month).

If anyone ever asked me whether I enjoyed playing MMOs, I could only honestly say that I enjoy it… sometimes.

But I can get into it.

(Skip if you don’t give a crap about WoW-This might not make sense since I don’t retain info about WoW very well, also I am very newby)
I’ve moved into retail WoW. I ended up getting the Battle Chest after some peer pressure. The entire fact that I play Warcrap is peer pressure, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy playing. Almost every friend I’ve had on Maple has moved on to playing WoW. Despite owning Guild Wars, WoW has been the first 3D MMO that I’ve tried playing seriously. To be honest, I’m extremely low level and I have a lot of difficulty playing (I don’t listen or read hehheh). I’ve been playing Draenei since I went out and bought it. read more

Farewell, mein lieber herr.

It was a fine affair, but now it’s over! And though I used to care, I need the open air, you’re better off without me mein herr! (<-Liza Minnelli for those of you who can tolerate Cabaret)
Relevant?! I think not.

… And before I knew it, I’ve quit!
Gone cold turkey. Didn’t need to replace Maple void with any other MMO, didn’t get too busy with school (I still have hours upon hours of free time which I mostly spend online shopping for crap and sucking at Brawl and by sucking I mean owning on Ness and failing on everyone else). read more

Somehow, I’m not impressed.

I think I might consider disbanding guild.

I haven’t played Maple in about a week and it’s not because I’m busy with school (no one can procrastinate homework quite like I can). It’s because everytime I log on, someone finds a new way to irritate me. Which is not to say that I officially hate my Maple friends. I still love most of them (especially the MMOT ones that don’t log on) but I just can’t stand being around them. read more

Question for the majority

I’m in desperate need of someone to explain to me internet culture and Maple.

I’m obviously missing something because I’m not sure how many times I’m supposed to laugh at pies, cookies, muffins, tacos, Chuck Norris or find “hawt”ness to be ironic. Maybe I’m a hypocrite but I’m not sure why people make the same jokes over and over and never get tired of it. read more

The Survival of Pandas

I have been stuck at level 68 for weeks now. I can’t seem to get myself to train. Apart from starting college, I have been stressing over, well, pretty much getting dumped by that guy I adore. I even unequipted everything including NX
to avoid training (when I train, I TRAIN and will not stop until levels are achieved). Also, my penguin ’cause the jerk won’t stop picking up chocolates. read more

Silver Lining

This isn’t really an update.

I’ve had it up to here (-has hand level with eyebrows-) with people on Maple who just loooove to play the quitting game.

You know, that little trick they do when they go “Wah wah wah I’m gonna quit Maple, it’s so boring, no one really cares if I’m here anyways boohoo.” You know that unnecessarily long whine that never gets to the point. The point being: “I want people to beg me to stay because my real life sucks so bad I need people in a fake life to beg me not to go.” read more

Ahaha! Dangly parts…

Not much has happened since last update except maybe the event that makes Windian idiocy undeniable.

There was a Smega telling Windians to flock to the Free Market 14 channel 6 to see the “AFK GM”. I went on my mule to check out the hubbub. Apparently people were going nuts (“OMZ IZ TEH GMWINDIA&quot over… read more

You get the line, I’ll get the pole

Since my last blog…
I haven’t really ventured into other games. No, I’ve still been on Maple, more frequently than in the past few weeks.
Have I made it to Priest? No.
Have I bothered training? Why, yes, but only one level.
The last time I seriously tried training, some cradle-robbing, half-wit of a ‘sader K.S.’s me and calls me his grandmother. Not soon after, the Hermit of that guy I love comes and K.S.’s the dumb ‘sader. And that was the last time I trained. read more