All posts by applebomb

I will cause you mild discomfort D<

It’s happened! I’m bored of Maple FOR REALZ.

Not really. I still enjoy playing when I’m not disgusted by it.

I’ve been offline so long that I guess I missed some stuff. Not much, just like, I don’t know how I got 5k maple points or what that gift thing is.

But mainly, the reason why I don’t want to play is that it’s like walking around a virtual ad for all the stores that sell NX cards everytime I enter a town.
I don’t know, I guess that paying so much for NX, I don’t really appreciate seeing ads like that all over. It’s also pretty much a turn off to see all those new features that I’m too lazy to catch up on. read more


I’m gone for what… 5 days and my guild seems to fall apart completely.
Not ONE of them seems to want to exhibit that kind of nerve when I’m around. It’s depressing.
It’s disgusting.

Before we disconnected the internet to move our stuff to my new house, I went on Maple one last time. Everything seemed fine despite the tension between certain people (maple husband and that guy that I’m insanely in love with in REAL LIFE).
Kiss said that he’d quit even though he said over and over that it’s just a game to him and real life is so important to him.
Yet, he could not refrain from fighting with Silk (rl bf/fiance). He logged out saying he’d quit before I could tell him not to quit for anyone but himself. But, whatever. read more


I almost posted this as MasterCheeze. It would probably get more likes that way… hmmm…

So I started playing Guild Wars Factions and it’s a lot more fun to be a midget Asian assassin than a ranger.
I’m getting the hang of it kinda, but as with most new MMOs, I don’t talk to people and play really awkwardly.

I got on maple a few times, still no levelling but I did get to talk to people to tell them some news:
1) I’m moving to a new house and will be offline for a while but I have MSN on my phone
2) I’m on Guild Wars more now
3) I’m engaged… for reals =D I’m planning to marry my beau (in real life) so YAYYY!!!!!@@@@!!!!! read more

Not about Maple?!?!

I actually went into the scroll menu thing and picked something other than Maple Story.

I’m “playing” as I type this.

As a complete and utter newb to the world of 3D online gaming (from a mapler’s P.O.V.):
My GOD this is hard.
I’m getting the hang of it though.
I’ve been playing for a little over 2 hours now and I’m level 2, died more times than I wanted to count and in my beau’s guild. read more


How should I feel now that they tell me yet deny that one of the best friends that I’ve ever had has died? How should I feel when I don’t believe it for a second, yet, people will hate me for disbelieving it? Someone on her Yahoo told me her last message to me (I’m sure you guys have this, too):

night_wolf_975: Is this Djien? Or Judy or something like that?
self: I could be
night_wolf_975: Um if it’s not, then I’m going to find her, I can’t give this message to anyone but her.
self: This is Judy.
night_wolf_975: Oh, alright then. That kid, Lee, probably said what happened already.
night_wolf_975: So, I’ll just pass on the message she left.
self: No it was Jonathan
night_wolf_975: Well, then you know the details already regardless. Her message was (this is exactly what she wrote) “Judy, I’m sorry. You were one of the best friends I ever have and you always knew when I was upset and were always there for me. I wanted to clarify why I said goodbye, so I am having Rachel come on and tell everyone. I said good bye because I realy did have cancer, I said it at that time because I had just found out that I was not going to make it as long as they first thought. It doesn’t matter, what I didn’t was wrong, but hey, I’m not here anymore, not a big deal. I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you about it but I apparently picked a horrible day to do so, you snapped at me before I was able to, so I let it be. I couldn’t find a way to tell you so I took
night_wolf_975: The stupid and easy way out and gave up. I’m sorry. You were the best friend I ever had and I love you. I’m sorry any of this ever happened and I hope you live the best life possible. I’m sorry I will love you and mis you forever more.”
night_wolf_975: That’s what she wrote. read more

You betcha.

One thing I noticed about some (a mojority) of females in Windia:
They like to act like bishes thinking it’s real cute then when someone gives them attitude they act like they never had it coming.
Case in point: I smega something about SouledOut being an STD and a girl chats invites me, doesn’t talk directly to me when I enter the room (which I hate when people do that, I mean I’m taking time to enter your chat, don’t talk about me like I’m not there). Talks to her friend about me saying “It’s a girl”, I point out that she’s a retard and she says she doesn’t like me. I love how smart girls can be sometimes. LYKE OMG ITZ A GURL. LYKE OMGZ TEH SKY IZ BLOO GRASS IS GREEN IM TOO STOOPID TO KNOW JUST HOW CUTE IM NOT <333
link read more

One Man Wrecking Machine

Maybe some of you might have recognized a certain victim of constant abuse that I post embarrassing things about in my blogs. Ever since I logged on to see him in guild one day, I’ve never figured out why he’s stuck around in guild from level 7X to now 97. Yesterday we were messing around in Niora Hospital in Kerning (or w.e. it’s called) and he tells me he’s gonna quit AppleBomb when he hits 100. He needs to GPQ and do Zruns and stuff.
I won’t pretend not to understand this. I know. I think I’d do the same thing if I was him. It doesn’t make me feel any better. I feel horrible and very sad. I think I take for granted that people stick around. Many people on my b-list are just not there anymore. I feel bad because I know full and well that I am difficult to keep in touch with. It just won’t be the same. It won’t be the same at all. Where else will we find a “bichcake”? Who will be the one to lighten the mood? Who’s gonna take the fall for situations completely irrelevant to them? Who will I blame for dying? WHO WILL BUY MY 6 INT THORNS?!
He’s the most unpretentious high level I know… Despite what a certain buddy might think (it was probably one of the girls playing on his account anyways). I don’t like bad people. And I know Mark’s not bad. He’s just fat. Fat and promiscuous. And smelly. I’ll never forget the time I died because he didn’t kill that C-Rog.
And… I’m just not as close to my buddylist as I am to my guild (except for a few people). read more

Toasty Buns.

I love Parappa the Rapper

I love Amoureux (I can’t spell so I hope this is right).

I got defamed twice by this one guy (two characters). I was just jumping over my friend in Henesys talking about being at work (I got the internet/maple to work while I was there XD) and this guy defames me and logs out. Later, Kitty tracks him in Hen, gets some people to defame him and it turns out that I “had too much fame” and he wanted to defame me so he could have more. I had no idea who that guy was. I never met him but for some reason he wanted to out fame me. So I asked my buddylist if anyone can refame me and Shiru-Master calls me to the FM and fames me. That’s not the end.
She tells her guild I guess ’cause Fyrerii comes and fames me, then GhettoAlbino and those three, some other random buddies of mine and all the characters they have access to come and fame me.
It was so sweet I started tearing up. T_T
Amoureux (sp?) guild got me 20+ fame (not sure the exact amount). They rock so hard. read more

It’s poking mai eye o.x

I had a screenie that I misplaced but it was more or less like this:
Mark: [I’m] with shu- in hene
Shu: Ow it’s poking mai eye
Shu: O.x
Dj: I won’t ask
(Everyone): LMAO
Dj: Shhhh
Shu: I was talking about a piece of wood.
Dj: That’s still dirty hun

There are only one or two people in my guild who go to lengths to avoid being dirty/insane/creepy (like the GM).
I haven’t done much on Maple but I have levelled twice unintentionally. Both times were at purple voodoo things and both times I was just there to get red gummies for guildies, FM shop, or just being too stubborn to let people KS me off the map. I managed to finish the quest pretty early only because someone had a bit of a um FM mishap and set the price of red gummies for 20k each (I bought in bulk about 12 which was 7 more than I needed but all I could afford at the moment). read more


I am officially the best looking gothic loli in Windia. (Rankings:Lovitt. I kid you not)

I log on at like 3-4 pm when the DELAYED patch finally decided to install (and not on my laptop-I’m an idiot cause it took me 3 hrs to figure out that it was my firewall preventing me from installing the patch). And as soon as I log on, I do what I always do and should be shot for doing: I charged 30k NX and ran to the CS. I got Lovitt a cute Gothic Lolita outfit (even though GL is LAME but I make it look spiffy) and Djien the 1k (super cheap)… Nurse outfit. I don’t know if anyone noticed but there’s a err feature around the ummm chest area that moves a lot after I attack. Not cool.
Yes, I spent the rest on smegas (Ok actually I got like 8k left for random stuff). The more interesting of which told Windia that my guildmate was suffering from diarrhea and was in need of spam. He hates me… NOT.
The other one was about a raft (since it was a friggin hurricane outside) and I think every New Yorker in Windia whispered or chatted me.
I went into mansion like several times. Every single time I got asked the stupid question “Why can’t I get in?” to the stupidest “What drops halloween costumes?”
Thank you again, Windia.
I still don’t get the quest and we were all too lazy to do it so we sat outside the mansion, screamed perverted things and just decided to chill or hit on people as it always is in AppleBomb Guild. read more