Untitled scrawlings.



“What the hell happened to it?!” exclaimed the startled girl, frozen in her tracks. She was staring blankly at the pitiful figure before her.

The poor thing she was staring at looked like it had just come from a storm… inside of Horntail’s stomach. Its fur was so matted and caked with mud, the original color was undeterminable. The heap of fur was slightly moving; one could hardly tell it was still alive. The only way the head could be told from the tail was the open muzzle, carelessly left agape with a pool of saliva already forming. The animal was easily determined sick – no healthy animal had yellow liquid dripping from the eyes. read more


Well, I can’t get on MMOTMS this morning, even though it says it’s online, my ID is logged in or something.
Yesterday was pretty hectic in MMOTMS though. First I rebirthed ym shadower into a Warrior, then my sister started rushing me to do things.
Level 30:”When are you gonna be done”
Because of the 100000X exp, it was hard to descide what to do X_X. Jumped from level 40 to 122 in 10 minutes =P
Along the way I had to do some really time consuming stuff.
Sister:”How long are you gonna be now?!?!!”
At level 122 I went to get my level 120 armor and such, but then I didn’t advance to Hero because of my sisters Rushing me. DAVE, FIX THE SERVER, I CAN’T GET ON RIGHT NOW.
Well, besides the point, I play some Alone in The Dark on my Wii yesterday. It’s not as bad as everyone says. There are some funny lines in that game, as well as some “OH !@#$” Moments.
Funny line: A zombie lady starts talking to you.
“I don’t have your stone, but !@#$ YOU ANYWAY!”
I nearly fell out of my chair DD read more

Northern Markets Ep89

Episode 89: Lethal Magic

The vast surface of the Lake of Time was frozen solid, and a thick dense fog set in. On the rocky shores nearby, plants of all sorts of alien species sprouted, and grew, but they, too, appeared frozen stiff.
The surface of the lake didn’t look like it was covered in ice, more like water, but stopped in a photograph.
Like miniature mountains, the waves by the shore stretched along, about 5 feet apart like dunes of water, covered in a forest of droplets. read more

Funny videos and pictures.

Hi. This is Varun again.

Well, I did log on to maple this past week. It was really boring. But I did manage to get a really funny situation.

Well,I went to the free market and picked on some random girl.

I told her that she’s so hot and cute. She asked me to be her BF. I played on and said “I love you” and stuff.

What followed was this epic picture: link read more


Today, I went on Maple for 5 minutes.
Not too exciting.

I feel bad not having anything to write about, but I guess I just want to continue with my daily blogging. 😀

The 12th of July is a holiday here. It’s 23:19 on the 11th, so I’m heading out now to see idiots injure themselves while trying to light a bonfire.
(They’re meant to light it at midnight, but they’ve just set it off now. I think it was a firework that did it.) read more

Meido! Or…

Currently listening to: Hakurei Festival!

Well, I’ve decided to come back!

Well, you can see my IGN is Meido, but I know most of you guys.

I’m Zhlon!

Really, I am.

And Zhlink and I have something we need to tell ya’ll.

We’re not really brothers and sisters.

Another Surprise!

Cuz in school, we always call each other Kor(Brother) and Sister(Zhlink just makes fun of my name for this part. Geez. -_-), and the whole class also addresses us as ‘The brother and sister’. So yea. read more