
Today, I went on Maple for 5 minutes.
Not too exciting.

I feel bad not having anything to write about, but I guess I just want to continue with my daily blogging. :D

The 12th of July is a holiday here. It’s 23:19 on the 11th, so I’m heading out now to see idiots injure themselves while trying to light a bonfire.
(They’re meant to light it at midnight, but they’ve just set it off now. I think it was a firework that did it.)

Let me dig up an old one.
King Slim, plz.

15 thoughts on “Fireworks”

  1. Spade said: “You play Global?

    Which world? Add me if you’re in Broa.



    Heh, Windia :[ Sorrrry.

  2. Paaaz said: “

    Iepiat said: “Hm, you live in N. Ireland?”

    I do! :O”


    Ireland is liek, the most distinguished country in the entire world, lulz.

  3. Darkwar4ever said: “

    Paaaz said: “

    Iepiat said: “Hm, you live in N. Ireland?”

    I do! :O”


    Ireland is liek, the most distinguished country in the entire world, lulz.”

    Ireland and Northern Ireland are very, very different. D:

  4. Paaaz said: “

    Darkwar4ever said: “

    Paaaz said: “

    Iepiat said: “Hm, you live in N. Ireland?”

    I do! :O”


    Ireland is liek, the most distinguished country in the entire world, lulz.”

    Ireland and Northern Ireland are very, very different. D:”


  5. Paaaz said: “I do! :O”

    Happy Orangemen’s day!

    Except it isn’t anymore, for you. =( Stupid time differences.

    Darkwar4ever said: “How?”

    N. Ireland is the cooler part of the island, duh.

    ( bah what do they teach in school these days? )

  6. Darkwar4ever said: “How?”

    Different government
    Different nationality
    Different currency
    Different flags
    Different language (all the signs in Dublin were both in Irish and English)
    Different calling codes
    Different TV channels
    Different TV shows
    Different accents
    Different holidays

    One is a republic, the other isn’t.
    One is part of the UK, the other isn’t.

    They are basically two different, uh, places D: I just get ticked off when I specifically say Northern Ireland and people drop the Northern and just assume I meant Ireland, haha.

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