Back in the game.

Well, this is odd.
The attached photo is from the 28th of August, 2007.
I’m still level 88.
It’s been almost a year since I last levelled, yet I’m 90%.
Maybe I’ll hit 90 before the summer ends.

But now that I’m back in Maple, I want to try my hand at merchanting again.
I really enjoyed it, despite how stressful it could be.
And I’m going to be sort of starting from scratch – I have 7mil and nothing to sell. read more

lmpqing is pain if your lvl 51 D:

You know, when you finally level to 51, you get really excited for lmpqing for the first time… but seriously? Its just like being back to level 35 and trying to join a lpq. It really feels like your a noob allllll over again, and im sick of it.

Although theres some nice high levels out there who invite you to your party, they eventually become level 71 and your stuck being alone again. For me, its a sad and depressing stage. The thing is, you dont even know WHERE to train! And training seriously takes AGES just to level up ONCE. read more

I’m Back…Again?

Well, I’m finally back after like, a year’s hiatus. I got Poo to level 52 and now I’m training Delcer mainly, he’s level 48 and counting. After a two hour session of CPQing (I love it), I decided to come back to MMOTales for no reason whatever. So anyway, I’m in the mood for a little rant.

1. I was getting another person for CPQ, and I managed to get a level 47 I/L. She had been spamming “J>PQ no noobs” and had a lot of NX. We managed to get in fairly quickly, and we sat in the lobby waiting. For my eyes I had male 4, the kind of small rectangular eyes with the low mouth. And guess what she said: read more

And i thought THIS was hard…

I’m making this blog because i wanted to talk!

Lol no, I’m joking. This is why I am here…

When i was level 15, I thot it was hard to level to 16 and then 17 and so on. But when I saw other people training their *** off, I thought to my self… How could I be so stupid and think that I have it hard?

People work their heads off just to get to level 50 and I am complaining that its hard for me, just because i don’t have as much good stuff and weapons as other people? And while I’m complaining, i could just be using valuable time on training. read more

Carnival PQ Tips (really, they work!)

Alright. Here we goes. A very brief guide on what to do in CPQ.

Fields 1/2: They suck.

Fields 3/4: In this stage, a Lightning mage would be VERY VERY helpful. Clerics are all right, I guess, but they must be pretty high level and have heal. (Lol, what cleric doesn’t have heal?) Warriors own here, as well as bandits <3 Archers are decent, as long as you have a close range party member to lure away all the monsters so you can snipe from a distance. Sins are only good if they have decent haste. read more

Incendiary Outing 4 – Maple Bash.

A new face,Lolli,came for the event. >D
The new veectim.

So before hand,Eon got the whole gang to come 5mins before him.
Reason being that we were going to eat real life lollipops slightly before he comes.
*hands out black paper bag labled ‘Eona’s Poisoned Lollipops’ [which no1 seem to notice] with lollies inside*

The funny thing though,when he came,he walked 1 round around a nearby giant pillar and just stood there clueless.I gave him a call,in which he started turning to our direction but somehow didnt see us.
Me Cat Silver Pb Mandy – All eatting lollipops. (You cant tell if pb is eatting a lolli though,he pratically put the whole thing in his mouth.Yes,stick and all.) read more

“And the heavens shall tremble”

I don’t think anyone made a blog about this yet so here i go.

On Saturday, June, 28, 2008, something AMAZING happened. The long awaited game was finally announced that it was in the works… Diablo 3!!
The gameplay looks amazing =D. Most 3D games’ graphics suck. They usually have polyagonal faces and body parts. They “humans” look like inhuman beings because of that. So far Diablo 3 look nothing like that.
One of the things i like anout this game is the destructible objects in the game. Rather than recklessly run in and smash zombies and demons with your weapon, why not just break a nearby wall and see them get squished? Just as enjoyable and yet takes less energy. (Lazy bums =O) So far they only showed 2 of the 5 (i think its 5) classes you can be which are the Witch Doctor and the Barbarian. So far a couple skills are shown. Also there is a version of each class for both genders (Yay, in other games i’ve seen men trying to look like womon since there’s no other verision for the other gender.)
Witch Doctor- summons these little monkey-like things to do his/ her bidding
-sends out a loctus swarm thing to attack enemies and after its done with one enemy, it goes to another one
-throws a fireball thing
Barbarian- slams the ground and does AOE damage
-spins around
-rushes forward will attacking
There also seems to be weapons enhanced with elements like ice and thunder.
Ice freezes them and thunder stuns them i think.
The feature i like most is when you die =D.
A lot of games when you die, you die the sae everytime. It could be falling out the floor so you look like you’re tanning or it could be a random tombstone drops outta the sky and you appear as a ghost floating around it. In Diablo 3, its much more exciting. There was a party of 2 barbarians (1 of each gender) and 2 witch doctors (1 of each gender). the female witch doctor, i believe got trampled over by a boss monster. The monster picked up the male barbarian and bit into him (ouch) and ripped him in half. (Ouchies) Later when the two survivours killed it, it blew up and all these zombies appeared. The game also has some kind of multiplayer on it. So far The game is looking great =D unlike other games that are coming out such as Warhammer 40000, Dawn of War 2 D=<. They last updated the site in April so theres barely anything in it D=<. Blizzard is so far making 2 games that the public knows of right now, Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3. But i seem to be more excited abou Starcraft 2. Maybe beacuse its probably going to be released sooner.
If you wanna know more about Diablo 3 read here –> link read more

Obey Or Die.

Wow. I think this is the closest I’ve ever posted two blogs together before.

Usually there’s like…a month in between each one.

But Err. I have some interesting screencaps and stuff Let me show you them.

[screencap hor]

#1 — David half way through his seks change. We’re so proud of him.

#2 — Seks change complete. Maybe we should have stopped him? . . . read more

first. time. evah.

So i was bored with having to wait for MMOTMS to go up, so i decided to play GMS. I logged in to find *gasp* my level 22 lukless mage. . .

I hate training
I hate training
I hate training
I hate training
I hate training
I hate training

once more,
I hate training

Sooo, i decided to hack. Soon i was happily hacking with Pin Unrandomiser, Perfect Damage, No KB, Super Tubi, Pin Type, Lag Hack, and Lemmings at Ellinia. read more


One day, I was playing maplestory and I realized.
“Hay, this game is too repetitive. I’m going to try something new!”
And off to google for search for a game fit for me.
I didn’t want any first person shooter games… I didn’t feel like it then.
But I feel like it now!
But anyway, I’ve tried Cabal Online but it’s only for Europeon people. Silkroad was also a small failure, since I was too lazy to, and finally I’ve met a game cloes to a first person shooter, but not as much. It was called Exteel and it was about these giant robots fighting with guns, rocket launchers, cannons, swords, spears, rifles…
I was playing this game.. And I realized
“Hay, this game is too repetitive. I’m going to try something new!”
And off to google to find a new game. (No luck.) read more