Northern Markets Ep79

EPISODE 79: The Enemy’s New B****

“Today, after 11:00AM, the Ellinia Magic Council’s delegation departed from Victoria Air Station accompanied by new allies, the leading officials of the Kerning City Council including Mayor Dullivan, who just hours ago, signed a friendship treaty in a secret meeting. The dispute between Ellinia and Kerning were dismissed and swept aside when Dullivan agreed to meet all of Ellinia’s demands for better magician treatment in exchange for refugee aid and military assistance. At 12:00, the CCA was granted authorization to assume command and assume role as a military force rather than a public police agency. As first act in their new role, the CCA gave the green light for construction on a wall and checkpoint at Cuurs Pass 75 km to the south. Representative Symbister, the leader of the Ellinia Delegation, hopes to meet with the Perion delegation in advance of the summit meeting tomorrow. He agreed with Grendel IV that if the cities of Victoria united, the alliance would put immense political pressure on the JA….” read more

iSPADE: Return!

BLOG 18: Liquid Snake.

Hey guys, I’m back! I haven’t been on MMOtales for about 2-3 weeks now, but I’ve made a full fresh return, and to top it off, a great Spade blog for you guys to read and choke yourself for reading it afterwards!

After finally unlocking all the stages and characters in Brawl, and barely getting past Subspace Emissary on Very Hard, I decided to go back to the amazing world of Wi-Fi awesomeness. Now that I had a wide variety of characters to choose from online, I decided to test the characters out. Surprisingly, it turns out that I am indeed quite skilled with Snake. I managed to plant his clamwars and C-4s on the map cleverly, and execute them by luring my opponents to a trap. Oh, and with Snake, his strong and standard A moves are faster and better to use instead of his rocket launcher side-smash. (Took me a while to catch on.) read more

KLON 25 Froggy and Quack

KLON Clone radio we play the songs that sound more like everyone else
then anyone else. Clone Clone Clone.
Keep Listening Over Night
Alright ya’ll this is Nobody At Night here at KLON radio. How we feeling
out there?
Lets get things started off
With a song

Spin Doctors- Jimmy Olsen Blues
What a trip back in time that was O.O

So what is going on?
Not much here either. Well for those of you who did not read the title we do indeed have a double interview for you all. read more