hi.i see a lot of people say:<<hey i want level up!>> but they dont train to have a level <_< then they say:<< i do a quest to have a level!>> but they do not the quest! my friend want to level up but he dont really play maple anymore =/ . what do you think about it? =D
Monthly Archives: March 2008
Just My Thoughts While Patch Is Updating
So, I am getting ready to log onto Maple for the first time in two months. I am absolutely bored and have nothing better to do.
I am kind of excited to go on and explore some, since I haven’t been on in so long. The only thing is, everyone seems so young… and… well…
I am 17. I’m a senior in high school and I will be going off to college in the fall. I am also gay. Most maplers and 11-14 and straight (both from my experiences and encounters in Maple). Alot of them are also very immature and very, lets say… dedicated… to the game. They take it way too seriously. I just play the game because it is fun and it’s a nice way to kill time. i usually play alone because I don’t hve many ingame friends my level.
Finally hit lvl 49!
I finally hit lvl 49!!!! I was training at STDs and its like freaking fastest % that I have ever tried. I mean i get at least 30% an hour. =D I 2HKO STDs and its awesome. So now I just need 80% more to lvl to 50 and wield maybe a PAC or diamond dagger!
”Que? Que?”
BLOG 16: “Que? Que?”
Spanish Translation 101: Que = WhatI thought I just might get that part out of the way when I’m explaining everything. WELL, as you can see, the title I put for my blog is “Que? Que?”. For those of you who do not take Spanish as part of their language studies, the spanish word “que” means “what”. So the translation would be, “What? What?”
people can talk french on maple.
if you can talk french:si vous pouvez parler le francais.dont be scare! on maple everybody can talk french or other language! if you can just talk english is ok. we not angry.=3 so have a good day mapler!
Nuuuu Maple!
Normally I don’t use two word titles. One word titles are better in my opinion But this blog is so…bloggy, that I have assigned it a two word title! Yes, it is THAT bloggy. First, I have to say one thing:
D*mn you MapleStory, d*mn you!!!!
*falls over dead from gunshot wound, arrow wound, throwing star wound, and sword wound*
“Go drink a bottle of yourself.”
Sooo, this is my first blog on MMOTales. Neato. I found out about this place a few minutes ago, started reading through some stuff, figured I’d join, and here I am – writing my very own blog! So yeah.
Anyway, I’ll start by talking about my new archer. I created it today, and it’s currently level 11. Not sure whether I’ll make it a bowman or crossbowman, so feel free to attempt to convince me which to choose, haha.