All posts by ArcaneHope

Just My Thoughts While Patch Is Updating

So, I am getting ready to log onto Maple for the first time in two months. I am absolutely bored and have nothing better to do.

I am kind of excited to go on and explore some, since I haven’t been on in so long. The only thing is, everyone seems so young… and… well…

I am 17. I’m a senior in high school and I will be going off to college in the fall. I am also gay. Most maplers and 11-14 and straight (both from my experiences and encounters in Maple). Alot of them are also very immature and very, lets say… dedicated… to the game. They take it way too seriously. I just play the game because it is fun and it’s a nice way to kill time. i usually play alone because I don’t hve many ingame friends my level. read more

Fun few days

It’s been a while since I last blogged. I’ve been so busy with school and random life stuff. But I’m here and boy do I have stuff to write about.

So, Ive been Mapling all weekend. Friday was the beginning of my fun. I logged on with the intension of lvling up, but instead my best Maple buddy Rose took me to New Leaf City. We went there and I found out that I could NEVER survive there at lvl 31 alone. I tried fighting the bunnied and I could kill them…in several thousand hits… We went deep into the woods and I watched Rose fight Alot of cool looking monsters. It mad me want to get stronger so badly. She told me she was getting items for Golems. I didn’t even know they had goblens in the game. So, she finally got her items and took me to the Goblen place. She told me not to move then left. I stood there and watched her summon goblen after goblen after goblen. There were seven in all I think. Then she came, stood next to me and proceeded to slaughter them all… I was like O_O (check screens). read more

My Thoughts of the day.

So I’m sick. It sucks.

I was playing today and I was working hard trying to get Eraen to lvl 32. Stupid meds kept making me drowsy, I took so many naps today that It feels like the day just started a few hours ago.

I really want Eraen to get to lvl 33 so that he can wear his black chaos robe. That think has been sitting in my inventory for almost a year. I got a friend of mine who was lvl 90+ at the time to find it for me. It was originally meant for MysticMagus, but then my computer stopped letting me play MS for a long time. Once I was able to play again, I created Eraen and lvled him to 30 in 8 days. I took all of the money Mystic had and most of his items lol. I’ll give them back once Eraen is done with them. read more


So, Ive finally got Eraen to lvl 30 in 8 days. Only problem now is, I get so bored playing alone.I dont have many in game friends, and I ones I do have are all too cool to play with me. I must say though, it was fun getting to where I am. I love traveling everywhere. All of the new places seem so fun.

I found my first pair of gloves while i was training at the green slimes. That was a surprise. I popped them bad boys on and went to work. I have been all over Vic Isle training and lvling. But now, I can go to Ludi and Ossy. I spent most of my day getting to lvl 31 on ratz, and now I’m killing kitties lol. I guess when I lvl I’ll head over to Korean Folk town. I havent been there yet. read more