All posts by Reve

Random fight in the Cavalry world

Started out as random ramblings to help get rid of my writer’s block, but became a proper fight scene. Thought I would post the half an hour of effort.

(Do not notice the screwed rifle stock)


Gunshots filled the air. Bullets whizzed past blurred bodies, shattering windows, putting holes into the newly painted buildings in Original. read more

MMOTaleZ DuelZ?


I got an idea.


I want to make an MMOTales event once every week.





-hold up sign for applause and hopes the audience is actually applauding, only they clap because it’s not a huge group- read more

Conspiracy to lose my innocence.

Stutterfish: aka Popcorn, (sworn) Big Sister, Mad, Arsonist, Mad___ Vai_______ (For the sake of her privacy) (OM’FG IT’S STEVE VAI’S DESCENDANT)

I’m sure you have all read her blog.

My (sworn) big sister has conspired with FunnyFroggy to corrupt me.



Cavalry ch 3

You ride waves of blood, and none are brave enough to stand up to that mighty sword you hold, glimmering with the blood of thousand innocents, and yet you are not troubled. You say that your mind is soothed by the final cries of dying men, and yet, you constantly flee, fear, and dread your own final cry. Are you not haunted by the voices of the cousins, husbands, and sons you have killed? read more

Cavalry IV Ch 0.5

To Dragoon the policeman, Town-4 was a great place, if you took away the violence in the apartments, to which he was assigned to.

It was almost noon at that time, and he was patrolling, his polished boots clicking on the cobblestoned ground, whistling a happy tune.

Unlike his squad leader, Metro, or his childhood friend, Imppala, Dragoon cared about his appearance. This was evident at the meticulous care he had given his uniform. Unlike Metro or Imppala, he actually ironed and washed it everyday, and actually bothered buying new sets were there a single tear in it. Metro and Imppala did not appreciate quality, instead choosing to save money rather than their appearances, a virtue of theirs Dragoon could not comprehend. Why would cost be an issue compared to your appearance in the end? read more

The GunZ Valley

Pending deletion.

And my logo will be there for every blog until I get a new one

How many times, Gamer?
How many times have you wallowed in despair
In looking at the far side of the valley
Reaching at something unreachable
Until you traverse the perilous terrain before it?
And how many times have you
Stared up a boulder before you moved it
Submerged in your own inadequacies before
you learnt how to swim?
How many fellow travelers have you
Looked down on in contempt
Harsh words felling them step by step?
Or looked up, burning with envy
Wishing you would be like them?
Or the moment of despair as you
Watch the stupid egregiously krukolibidinous FunnyFroggy walk past you
Advancing faster than you
And how many times have the FunnyFroggy clones looked down
Saying,”You will never become like me
You are too young, too weak”
And how few times have the FunnyFroggy clones looked straight to you,
Saying,”Keep it up”?
Despite overwelming lack of warmth
Some souls would help you overcome your challenges
Fewer souls would lend you a hand when you drown
And fewer still the souls would walk with you, and say,
“Let us reach that peak together, brother!” read more

Maple day 3 =]

Well, things have been pretty uneventful in Maple. Uh. Kind of.

I hardly need to use the mouse at all, and I’m glad for that. Therefore I can enjoy maple TO THE MAXXX!!!!!

Kind of.

The one thing about LGMS is that the players are pretty quiet. I was at the Drakes for like 20 mins and everybody was like. “duhhhhmmm………” =_=lll (Asians…). read more

Becoming ambidextrous.

No, currently not going well. I take a looong time just to type a word. Even worse just to write one.

Today I went to take my VJC entrance test despite my right hand being unusable. It was a general ability test, thank god, so they only give you patterns and all you need to do is shade the correct answer. At least my left hand is good enough for that. read more

Legacy MS!!!!! (Short blog)




After 2 whole years of no-maple, I’ve finally broken my record and MAPLED!!!!!!!!!!1111111

Which is absolutely believable, actually. Maple is one of the only games I can play at the moment, because all my right hand has to do is just hit the arrow keys (Hurts duh but nothing unbearable).

No, I didn’t join SMS, OdinMS, whatever…. read more

Reve stops gaming for a few months…

Against her will.

You see. While in softball training, some idiot newbie to the team swung the bat, HAPPILY let go of it by accident, and I, the catcher behind her, HAPPILY reached out my hand to catch the foul ball… when the bat seemed to lock on target at my wrist. Crapping it completely. Y’see, apparently the bone shattered and the forearm’s fractured too, and it needs a long long time to recover. And right now, it hurts like hell. read more