Is anybody having trouble logging in on Firefox? For some reason, I can’t log in. I sign in and go to the front page as usual but when I go to post a new blog, I am redirected back to the login page. Now I gotta use Safari…
Somebody halp… ;-;
I’ve been hit with the insomnia bug so I’m doing a Perfect World marathon run. I’ve been playing since about 8pm and now it’s 2:40am. Yuki3 went up 2 levels before I got bored and logged on to Yuki2. I took a look at her stats and I’m thinking that it’s not as bad as I think. I just need to change the way I play a little bit. So, instead of completely abandoning Yuki2, I will raise her a bit differently than Yuki3. (I feel like I’m talking about pets or children >.<; I’ll have fun with her and go hardcore with Yuki3.