I’m turning over a new leaf in MS. I’m on a quest to make this dearly beloved game interesting again.
For the past 14 months I’ve been working a level 90 Ranger in Bellocan. When I first started out, I started with three other IRL friends. I had run across the game randomly, and had no experience whatsoever playing MMORPGs. All we knew was we wanted one character from each class in our tiny group of four. As we progressed we started learning about the complex system of the game. We learned that our stats were messed up, and many of us had to restart a few times. We learned about guilds, and yearned to be in them. After drifting through many quiet, noob guilds; we finally landed in Ruins. Ruins will always be in my mind, it brings me back to a better time. Everyone had so much fun in there, it was almost a miracle that all these different people I liked so much could all be in one place. The guilds I had been in were primitive compared to Ruins. I grew with them, but soon outgrew them. Sometime around level 50-60 Ruins went through its first breakup. We started to notice that many of our players had become inactive, and some of them had quit. Two of these people were the original four I started out with. As our guild began falling apart, one of our members tried to reunite us under a new name, but unfortunately he wasn’t a good leader. In addition to this, there was another guild that branched off of the dead Ruins called Wind. Me and him had many disputes and finally, I left the new Ruins (then called [N]orthernLites). I drifted around from guild to guild, back like when I was level 20. For sometime, I was in a guild of a close friend’s called YouCantJoin. I was really meaning to stay there till the leaders took a break from MS, and things were lonely again. I found myself in MapleSyrup, and I was so pleased that I was on the top ranked GPQ guild, that I stayed for a while. But I noticed that I couldn’t easily converse with the members, they were all age 20+! But by that time, the leaders of YouCantJoin had come back from their break, and I joined again. Soon NorthernLites and Wind would disband to become YouCantJoin. I was overjoyed when this happened, all my favorite people back in one place! Everyone was overjoyed at this reunion, and invited all the people that weren’t originally in Ruins into our family. Our guild was massive, totaling at about 60 people. Things were finally back to normal. read more