Maplestory Content Testing

It was interesting at first because I was one of the lucky winners but after I downloaded it and went through all the installing I logged on and I was like really looking forward to it but after I logged on I disconnected after 10 seconds. I logged on again over and over and kept disconnecting. I got so pissed.

KMS New Pirate Job!

OMG I just found out that KMS had a new job. The job Pirate seems a lot like Thieves but different like for Infighters they use their hands instead of daggers and for Gunslinger they use guns instead of stars and claws like Assassins.

Me gusta el espanol

For those of you taking Spanish class, please kindly check this movie out:

Anyways, back to reality.
For those of you who keep track of my blogs, tell me how many days it’s been since my last one. I lost count. :[

I’ve been working really hard to pull my English grade up (did I tell you that my English teacher sucks?)
Currently, it’s close to a 40. Yes, a 40%. 40% DAMMIT, I SAID IT 3 TIMES. It’s not that I’m lazy, but it’s just that.. oh wait, maybe it might be cause I’m lazy. o_o read more