MapleSAP News Jan 31

MapleSAP News January 31, 2K8

<LOCAL[Kerning City]>
The Kerning City Police’s SWAT teams busted what could have been the biggest terror disaster in Kerning City’s history.

Yesterday afternoon, the KCP acted swiftly on a tip and stormed the QiangKang building in Chiangi Square, just accross the Janzsoon River, and discovered several thousand pounds of radioactive hackium powder. More than 25 men and women, all who were hackers, magicians, or Permanoobs were arrested and many more were detained.
Among the radioactive items discovered, the SWAT found stock piles of weapons, pre-made Arrow bombs, magic explosives, and poison gases. According to articles siezed from the suspects’ homes accross Kerning and Yazhou, the suspects plotted to set off more than 50 dirty bombs throughout the Naples Valley, mainly in districts and towns containing right-wing pro JA populations. The biggest hit was planned in the small city of Westborough, which is believed to be the Justice Arrow’s center of operations and the core center for all of the antagonistic religions. read more

Lost in the Shadows Ch-50

Chapter 50: Change of Heart

Date: November 26, 3007
Time: 06:40
Location: Orbis

The mist befell on the white city, roiling around the marbled corners and down the empty streets. A wind stirred feebly, but couldn’t penetrate the infinite fog of the morning. Up ahead, the sun shined brightly, its early morning rays powerless to bear through the clouds. read more


So I was suspended yesterday… more on that later.
Thank you for all the information on classes.
Last time I blogged I was torn between bandit and fighter.

The official decision is bandit. If you want to get very specific, a fandit.
I think it would be an interesting challenge… and I have the money to fund it, so why not?
The guide that Eon posted to me last time was a great source. I definitely recommend it for anybody needing information on how to make an irregular bandit. read more

First day in Kradia!

Some more good things happened and me and my four friends finally settled on which server we were going to. To describe events easier, I shall list their names. Hannah, Jamie, Monica, and Me (Steph). Hannah wanted to create our characters in Khaini, because some of our high school friends played there; on the other hand me and Jamie wanted to go to the less crowded Kradia. Monica was undecided XD. Finally after some bantering, I won the battle and got to go to Kradia. Im not sure what to make of it yet because I was only on two hours (I only play two hours on weekdays) but so far I like it, not too over populated and only one person KSed me. Another good thing is my oldest friend from Bellocan, called Chiko, joined us today when we started our nibs! Im glad she came, she makes things a lot livelier. read more

Mkay Right–MapleStory

Mkay right.
For real…
I’ve been trying to download this game and play it for like
…no joke…
7 hours,
driving me nuts.

What is even more nuts is that…
But I’m happy to be gone.

A year wasted
No one appreciated all the work I put into the site.

All I’m saying,
Is that I better love this new game. read more

a rant about everything haha

Today was alright, not to many people ksing people…especially me.
I really wanna be level 40
Only 6 more levels to go… so finally i decide to start training which is odd if you’ve known me long enough.
Since i rarely trained only a few monthes ago, in the summer i would level once every 3 weeks or so =O
Yes i know that is very sad. x]
So i’m in channel 1 which is also very odd because channel 1 has a billion hackers and I go to Sleepywood.
I wondered if I could kill a golem…yea i died haha.
But before I died there was this lvl 8 mage there and I was like WHOA.
There was a golem coming towards us, *no hp pots left* and i died. The mage however did not.
YES so then is when I discovered she was a hacker!
Of course she could of always had high dex, but even a person with high dex gets hit sometimes but she did not die! read more

Rawr – undecided-

So, last blog we spoke about which class I would make my new character. I’m pleased to say that it’s been narrowed down by 50%. I am now trying to decided between bandit and fighter.

Care to help me narrow it down some more?

Here are my reasonings for/against bandit.
~ I’ve always wanted chief bandit.
~ Fast attacking speed.
~ Savage Blow and Assaulter.
~ I already have decent equips for it.
~ I liked my other bandit, but its stats got messed up. read more

[LordIsaac Mini-Comic #4]

Beep. Beep. Beep…
I’m sick. Hurrah. I’m miserable. I didn’t feel like making any comics. Until… TODAY! WHEEEEEEE. Anyways…


HOLY CRAPPP! I LEVELED ON MAPLE STORY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN LIKE A MONTH AND A HALF! I leveled on Sunday! (Wheee) And then, I leveled up again on Monday! (I was staying home pla- I mean sleeping. Yeah, that’s right.) Kk, I need to make this shorter, gotta catch up on a lot of homework I missed yesterday. (Which is the monday I leveled up on, I just realised. This sickness is giving me a brain cramp.) read more

WoW – The First 24 Hours

So, yesterday I got bored and decided to try out the free 10 day trial of World of Warcraft. (Make that 10 million and 1, right?) Someone on one of the forums I go to had mentioned it, so I figured, why not?
Dear me.
Start the download around 7:30pm. By the time it’s time for me to leave for work (I work 11pm-7am), the download is near 25%. I leave my computer up while I’m off at work so it can finish.
Wait, did I say finish? I guess I did. When I get home at 7am, the download is at 97%. Well, not too bad. I wait for it to finish downloading, and at 7:30 start the install. At 8am I get to watch the intro movie.
And then the game decides it needs to download a 700mb patch. After it just downloaded the 3.16gig file. Fabulous. Thinking that this is starting to remind me of the ordeals I went through to get FlyFF to work in the past, I go to bed while the patch downloads.
When I wake up bright and early at 1:30pm (shut up, that’s really early for me). The patch is done and the game is ready to go! Yay!
Oh, wait, what? If you play WoW, then probably know what. There was a server check between 3am-11am PST. So I have to wait half an hour in order to play. But then I get to play! Yay!
After much debating and not having a clue what kind of character I should go with, I made a female Tauren warrior. Mainly because it seems I always use a warrior to feel out any new MMO that I play. (When in doubt, hit it and try to run away.) Anyhoo, my Tauren is cute and has spots and hits things with a big hammer. Sweet. Tauren are apparently really really tall (didn’t notice this until an elf or something ran by me). They remind me of the Ronso from FFX.
I played until about 7pm, and got to level 8. I’m having a pretty good time so far, so I hope the game keeps a hold on my interests.
Now my big cow butt has to go get ready for work. read more