Yesterday, I tried a server called “FTWStory”
Now to me the name was the gheyest thing on Earth. But hey can’t judge a book by it’s name eh?
Or something like that…
Anyway I made my soon-to-be Ranger. Named RangerMike.
It started off well. You know, three snail kills and then POP! J00 ish lvl 10. And then in like 15 mins, your lvl 30.
I met some….intresting people. Some *cough* most *cough* We’re uh, different. And then there were some who were nice. But I liked to go Solo for now. I got to lvl 50, then did the quest der, the one dat you gotta keel liek 10 STD’s and then 20,then 40. That got me to about 68-9.