So, Ive finally got Eraen to lvl 30 in 8 days. Only problem now is, I get so bored playing alone.I dont have many in game friends, and I ones I do have are all too cool to play with me. I must say though, it was fun getting to where I am. I love traveling everywhere. All of the new places seem so fun.
I found my first pair of gloves while i was training at the green slimes. That was a surprise. I popped them bad boys on and went to work. I have been all over Vic Isle training and lvling. But now, I can go to Ludi and Ossy. I spent most of my day getting to lvl 31 on ratz, and now I’m killing kitties lol. I guess when I lvl I’ll head over to Korean Folk town. I havent been there yet.