
So, Ive finally got Eraen to lvl 30 in 8 days. Only problem now is, I get so bored playing alone.I dont have many in game friends, and I ones I do have are all too cool to play with me. I must say though, it was fun getting to where I am. I love traveling everywhere. All of the new places seem so fun.

I found my first pair of gloves while i was training at the green slimes. That was a surprise. I popped them bad boys on and went to work. I have been all over Vic Isle training and lvling. But now, I can go to Ludi and Ossy. I spent most of my day getting to lvl 31 on ratz, and now I’m killing kitties lol. I guess when I lvl I’ll head over to Korean Folk town. I havent been there yet. read more

KLON 11 Applebomb interview

KLON Clone radio we play the songs that sound more like everyone else
then anyone else. Clone Clone Clone.
KLON radio winner of the first Silver Waffle
Alright ya’ll this is Nobody At Night here at KLON radio. How we feeling
out there?
Lets get things started off
with a song

Metallica’s Unforgiven 2

Its Nobody At Night here saying thanks for tuning into KLON once more.
Today we have a long report from Alex, you can ignore that part of the show, I am sure you all do anyway!
So Alex what is going on? read more