KLON 11 Applebomb interview

KLON Clone radio we play the songs that sound more like everyone else
then anyone else. Clone Clone Clone.
KLON radio winner of the first Silver Waffle
Alright ya’ll this is Nobody At Night here at KLON radio. How we feeling
out there?
Lets get things started off
with a song

Metallica’s Unforgiven 2

Its Nobody At Night here saying thanks for tuning into KLON once more.
Today we have a long report from Alex, you can ignore that part of the show, I am sure you all do anyway!
So Alex what is going on?

Let me see, I got NX, I am at my fathers house, I still have not done my Math HW.
I will be working on smoking paper this week, I leveled in maple, We are starting Lord of the flies next week in english (WOOT! I am so excited for it!) I am currently reading Slaughter house 5, and my progress report came, All A’s except German which is a B. So life is good you know?
With my NX I purchased the Catalyst hair. I bought a regular hair color coupon as well which turned my new hair to a atrocious lime green. So I wasted my remaining NX and bought another which turned my hair black.I wish I could upload a picture of it but my computer wont make the correct format >.>
Look Nameless3 up on the rankings if you want to see. One of my female friends said I was smexy which was good news I suppose. My good friend Tim said I gave in to peer pressure 0o
I told him I had wanted this hair since I started maple so whatever. Besides the first law of guyness is “If the chicks dig it, its good”
So at some point we started talking about clubs in high school. I am currently in swimming and art. People say swimming is tiring, its not for me. I swam 80 laps without breaking a sweat. I enjoy the water far too much to get tired out. So then that led to my buddies to talking about how “I must have a hot bod.”
^ ^
Needless to say I corrected them, I told them it was a SUPER hot bod.
So Maple aside now, I was sick Saturday. The only way I could describe it is onion sickness. It felt as if there were layers of it. While I rested in bed I could see the layers. It was like a multi colored ball, and every time I felt a little better a layer would disappear. Some times they would come back as well. When I finally felt well enough to get out of bed, all I could see was a tiny red ball.
I don’t know how interesting that all was but oh well its already been typed.

I suppose that I could tell more of my maple times. My friend who I call Nova owes me 4 mil. Every time he logs on, he tells me how much he has saved up to repay me. Its nice to know he remembers but when he says it like that, it makes me feel like some kind of mafia thug.
“If I dont get that money, I am getting you are pair of cement shoes and throwing you into aqua road.”

Yeah weird huh?

Well lets get on to the interviews . . . wait what?
No interviews in this one? Are you kidding? OUR RATINGS WILL DIE IF YOU DO THAT!
Well I am just going to sit here and wait for some one to answer.
( Note I typed this up before I interviewed anyone and I really was sitting there wondering why no one answered my PM’s and I was about to post this and then I realized that the interviews are why people like KLON so I decided to wait it out)

On a scale of 1- 10 how awesome am I am?

Dresden Dolls is automatically a seven, MasterCheeze on your buddy is a minus 2, Ganzi is a plus 3, I give you 8. =D

Smoking paper the best story you have ever read or the greatest thing in the
Ignore grammar and spelling mistakes I do not have word

I have it book marked and really like what I’ve read (the first paragraph), but unless I print it out, it’s unlikely I will finish it by 2008. =[

What’s your favorite food?

Fried Tofu or Takoyaki

What’s your favorite Song?

I have more favorite songs than I can remember but, uh, “Evil” by Interpol

What’s your favorite band?

I hab a list: TV on the Radio, Ugly Casanova, Deerhoof, Black Eyes, !!!

What’s your Real life name?


Your a guy??
I was not aware of that o0

No, I’m a girl but my name is lame so I stole Cheezeh’s.

Come on tell me your name!
Judy (not Blume, not Jetson, not the judge)

What are your maple hopes and dreams?

Hit level 100, humiliate each and every single one of my guild members, look smexier than SouledOut’s character, never get married again

Who is your favorite MMOer besides me of course!

I’d say my whole buddylist but there’s like one or two people I can’t stand and secretly hope they get stranded in a shady alley… naked… with MasterCheeze

When you die and if there is a god what do you want him to say to you at the
pearly gates?

Why are you not wearing pants?!

Who is your idol?

I don’t have idols D=
I have people I hate and want to do better than =D

Whats you favorite color?

Teal is a form of Blue so its cool!
It’s a form of green, too. HAW.

Favorite book?

I am illiteraslekente. Book of Sketches by Jack Kerouac

Favorite author?

Jack Kerouac and uh NobodyNight =D

Favorite classic book?

What’s a classic? Old? I pick “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton

Outsiders is a great book!
Soda pop ^^

Stay gold, Ponyboy -cries-


Favorite subject?

I’m not in school no more cuz I gradumalated. I r to smert for scool now. I plan to major in Art Therapy or Psychology. Ima be a social worker.

What is your life like right now?
Like trying to kidnap fat people.

How old are you?

Old. Uh, 18. My berfday is Oct. 20 and I’m expecting gifts from you all >=[

Your guild seems very fun how did you manage to get all those crazy people
in one place?

I have no idea. For MMOT people, Ganzi had been stalking me for days and then my buddy Kia asked him to join. Cheeze popped up one day, asked me to join, then quit for GPQ or something, then joined again, then quit (because some girl had big breasts or something) then I got mad then somehow I reinvited him and he’s stayed ever since. SouledOut was too sexy NOT to be in my guild and DarkDragoon is like my bro. Everyone else was random but I really love all my guildies =D

How many times do you make fun of Cheeze per day?

It’s hard to count. It ranges from 1-243907230195712432947 since he’s not on every single day or I don’t come to MMOT every day. It’s outta love, I swear.

You were married in maple?

Married twice. The second wedding rocked since I got all these people from MMOT to go but I lagged out several times.

If you could have anything what would it be?

IRL or on Maple? ‘Cause IRL I want a Dr. Dreadful set (google it) and maybe some Creepy Crawlers. On Maple I want a 8+ Att WG so that Cheeze will not quit and I will own him

I can tell you like Cheeze.

So can he. He has a screenie of it. =_=

All my guilds are usually bad >.>
Except HolyDeathXD that guild was great!

What server are you in? =D


Why applebomb?

It’s a song from Deerhoof, plus it stick pretty well. It’s something that I haven’t gotten sick of yet.

Favorite movie?

City of Lost Children or City Hunter (with Jackie Chan). I’d like to put some obscure indie movie just to look smart/cultured but those are only good for naps. D<

Why cant you finish smoking paper?

I’m on Maple a lot and with work I don’t have much time to read stuff, let alone turn on the computer and not run a game. Apart from E-Mail, Basil, MMOT and Imeem (Shameless plug:choochoobeep.imeem.com) I’m rarely NOT on Maple or whatever game I decide to play (usually for like 2 minutes before I get bored and leave).

Alright thats all for Apple Bomb!

By the way all you listeners out there, does putting the bold in front of my questions help? I am wondering because it takes a while to scroll through it all.

I know this one was short too but I am busy!

Smoking paper fans, expect a update this week!

Ignore the video that was the best version of the song I could find!

This is Nobody At Night saying its time for him to fade away!

Remember to say how much you liked this program or I can’t afford to keep my sweat shop in China!


15 thoughts on “KLON 11 Applebomb interview”

  1. NobodyNight said: “

    Jesus said: “Woot I’m next

    You or Aliyah

    Interview Aliyah next. (lol)

  2. OH CRAP!
    I have still have not finished my Asianknife interview!
    he has been on the list forever! ><

  3. He already interviewed me and Nobdy why don’t yopu put both of us in one?

    ShiningWings said: “

    NobodyNight said: “

    Jesus said: “Woot I’m next

    You or Aliyah

    Interview Aliyah next. (lol)”

  4. Jesus said: “He already interviewed me and Nobdy why don’t yopu put both of us in one?

    ShiningWings said: “

    NobodyNight said: “

    Jesus said: “Woot I’m next

    You or Aliyah

    Interview Aliyah next. (lol)”

    I may do a double, but I have not finished either of your interviews though >.>

  5. Kekekeke.
    It doesn’t matter.
    I wasn’t here this weekend. c:
    YAYYYY fer applez.


    Aliyah must be next

    who cares about j-man >=D (omg i wrote jesus first and that sentence sounded soooo satanic =/)


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