Papercraft – Hydralisk

Taiwan just got struck by a typhoon yesterday, the news said that it was stronger than Katrina. Hey, I live at the North of Taiwan, so I’m safe. People at the South were screwed hard, flood everywhere, they always have flood whenever a typhoon. Well, I’m safe; I was infront of my window watching the advertisement billboards being ripped off.

Laughing my ass off (“Hahahaha, losers”)

Whilst playing Starcraft, using Dark Archon to Mind Control everything, controlling Zerg, Protoss, and Terran bases, using 4 Carriers, 4 Battle Cruisers, and 4 Guardians raping my enemies.


Power outage.

My parents were like.. wtf. And I was like, “WELL UH, I’ma go sleep and wait ’til it comes back” (in Chinese)

Two hours later, 8 pm, still no power. I managed to finish all of my homework in front of a candle.. amazingly. After that, I was reading Crayon Shinchan (蠟筆小新|クレヨン新ちゃん) in front of a candle listening to Blockbuster by Rhythm Heritage on my iPod.

After 7 hours, the power came back and it was 10PM.
“Holy fork, finally.”

Soon after, I made a Hydralisk out of paper, I know you can get the DIY thing anywhere on the internet, but then I don’t see any blogs about origami or anything doing with papercraft.

Soo… I wanted to show my Hydralisk; paper Hydralisk.

Meh, I want to make an Ultralisk.

I just downloaded an 8-bit 3D Mario papercraft!

Just to add in a bonus.. Here are my doodles in math class!

Seriously, listen to Blockbuster. It’s the funkiest song I have in my iTunes. (Turn your volume to medium-loud, so you can FEEL the funk)

The day after that which is today, I went out to buy some poster paper to finish my project, ALL of the advertisement signs, street lights, and trees have been ripped off the road.

People were awed and I was.. “coooooool”

13 thoughts on “Papercraft – Hydralisk”

  1. Not MMO related but. . .

    Nice hydralisk. ^________________________^

    How’d ya do it, monsieur maks. =O

  2. TYPHOON?!
    What’s northern Taiwan? Is that where uh Taipei/Tienmu/whatever is?
    6:40 need sleep.

  3. Why are you doing that?
    Because it’s free.
    Hey, that’s just like that game MapleStory.

    Go join at

  4. That catch phrase reminds me of Stewie’s commerical in Family Guy.

    Hey Stewie, how’s the weather up there?
    Fair, just like our prices.

  5. EvilStranger said: “That catch phrase reminds me of Stewie’s commerical in Family Guy.

    Hey Stewie, how’s the weather up there?
    Fair, just like our prices.”

    Lol! Stewie’s Big and Tall. xP

    We made origami stuff once for History in the 6th grade. Then we made origami frogs in the 8th grade and raced ’em. Our team was the “Slammin’ Shidazee Frogs.”

  6. EvilStranger said: “That catch phrase reminds me of Stewie’s commerical in Family Guy.

    Hey Stewie, how’s the weather up there?
    Fair, just like our prices.”


  7. EvilStranger said: “I just made 3 more.


    LolCheeze, “Slammin’ Shidazee Frogs.” That made me laugh. x]

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