Test 1. Sucess?

“NO U”

Yeah so I was looking at old blogs of mine.
So I was reading one ’bout the PSs n’ stuff.
Then I came across the following comment:

Dest1 said: “Uh, maybe you should try P servers first.”

So I was like “You know he’s right.”
And so I joined SilentMS. Made a F/P, since I never made one before. My “bro” (Rtkid) had a Hero named Suave. So I begged him for some funds. He was being all cool (or trying to be) and was like “Dun wry, it’s all gonna be k.”
I never should’ve let him watch Arby n’ The Chief…

I got to level 8 pretty fast. So I went to Ellinia to get my job. Wewt. I relised I didn’t have money for equips so I was like “Ohhhh shiznet” But in like ~30mins I was level 30.

Guess where I went.

Back to Grendal. Turns out Duey owns the advancements. I knew he was a shady man..I went to Ludi to train afterwards. To train, I guess. Where I met a Night Lord. He partied me. We were tearing up Teddies. Owning anything that stood in our path. Soon enough I was was level 47. He asked me if I knew how to do the No Gong quests.

That’s the one with the kill 10 STDs,then 20, then 40 one. Doing those at level 51, it was godly EXP, since they add up the quest EXP too. I was level 63 now. I already had my level 70-80 gear thanks to Suave. But I had to get everthing else on my own. I went to Hoodoos since I figured I should I would be fine with “Slow” by my side. In like 20mins I was level 70. Went back to Duey,who brought me to 3rd job. I went back to Hoodoos since now they were really easy to kill. I remebered I had to work the next morning (summer job) so I was going to log off at level 75. But then Suave logged in. I followed him to Black Kentaurus(?), And I grew to level 80. By then it was 4am so I really had to go now. But first I threated to pass Suave who’s level 140 at the moment. While I’m level 80. With his playing time, I don’t think I can make it.

Anyway that’s about it… My IGN is: iMike. So add me if you want.

P.S. Ellinia do you go to Riverdale?


9 thoughts on “Test 1. Sucess?”

  1. lololololololololololololololololololololololololol!1111!1!one!11!

    Arby ‘n’ the Chief is awesome.


    I loved the “Brawl” one the best though, then the “Girls” one.

    I wan to pleh!111one111


  3. SilentMS hmm.

    I think I’ve watch Arby ‘n’ the Chief once before. . I don’t know.

    And yes I do go to Riverdale. How did you find that one out?





  5. @Nass: Lol. Yeah, I was shocked to find out that it shut down. I was having so much fun with my purrple Bandit T_T. Hey, I was in a party with Suave yesterday. That was your brother?

  6. SilverFx said: “@Nass: Lol. Yeah, I was shocked to find out that it shut down. I was having so much fun with my purrple Bandit T_T. Hey, I was in a party with Suave yesterday. That was your brother?

    Naw, we’re just really good friends. So we call each other “bros”

    @Zhlink: I think that’s what they were called.It’s in Mu Lung and you’re supposed to be ask to be a “Master” or something.


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