Comrad Kirov, in Love?!

Good it be? Vaz i falling in love? No i zouldn’t be…i vust not forget my mission. Vell i’ll tell you my ztory.

After ezcaping the izey cold pitz of hell, El Nath. I trecked my vay to the ztation in ze town orbiz. I zaited patiently on ze ship zating for it to leave, zen just as I vought i vaz doomed for 20minutez ov utter boredom. Vut zhe heavenz muzt have been zhining down on me becauze juzt az zhe boat took flight, zhe mozt beutiful girl boreded zhe zhip. She vaz comming my vey, vhat should I do? should i talk to her? It was too late to turn back “hello there” zhe girl zaid. “A-a-ayeshman” I ztuttured back. Zuddenly zhe ship started rocking and zhe girl fell into my armz. I velt a warm glow zhoot thoughout my body, I started blushing a bit.

We valked thoughout the ship ride, finally we had zanded. “Umm…excuse me, I never found out your name?” ze girl zaid with a zmile on her face. “My name?…I am Commrad Kirov from zhe MotherLand of Russia” I zaid proudly, zhe zmiled back. “Umm…Hey Commrad I know we just met, but would accompany me to Amoria…please?” zhe said. “Amoria? Ze land of love? I guezz I cou-” before I could zinish zhe yanked me by ze arm. Before I knew it ve ver at ze gatez of Amoria. I vaz ztarting to forget my mission, “For ze MotherLand, For ze MotherLand, For ze MotherLand” I repated in my vead. We ztood under a vuge cloud in ze shape ov a heart. Ve ver mucking around, before I knew it zhe was on top ov me. I velt her varm body prezzed againsted me, we kissed. Zhe was ze zone vor me.

Zut zen my vorld came crumbling down…

“Umm..Kirov, can I tell you something?” zhe said. “Anyzthing babeh” I zaid in a zexy voice.

“Well…Kirov…I’m a man…”

15 thoughts on “Comrad Kirov, in Love?!”

  1. Buying gifts for your girlfriend: 1,000,000 meso
    Buying an engagement ring: 10,000,000 meso
    Finding out that your wife is a man: Priceless

  2. I was annoyed at the grammar so I was clicking a link outta here but I happened to glance at the last sentence. I didn’t catch that much of it when the link activated so I had to reverse a page and I laughed a lot, Wonder why I am sharing my experience, *goes away*


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