All posts by SoupNazi

Beef? No Zanks.

Vell here I vaz valking innocently in the slum’z ov ze place you people call “Free Market”. Anyway here I vaz walking looking for a new wepon zince my lazt one vaz damaged trying to ezcape zat g.i.r.l, *cries*. I had found ze wepon I vaz looking for, it vaz a work ov art. After I had pruchazed ze wepon I vaz walking vough Amoria zhowing ov my ‘zexy’ new wepon to all ov those chika babez out zere. *Buy ze way I am ztill zingle ladies hauhau.* read more

You no Underztand?!

Zon day I vent to a big hotel in Kerning zity. In ze morning I go down to eat breakvast. I order 2 pizzez of toast, the vaiter zhe only bring me zone pizz. I tell her I vant two pizz, zhe zay’z “Go to ze bathroom”, I zay “You no underztand?, I wanted to pizz on my plate!” and zhe zay’z “You better not pizz on ze plate you zon ov a b****!” I don’t even know ze lady and zhe called me a zon of a b****. read more

Comrad Kirov, in Love?!

Good it be? Vaz i falling in love? No i zouldn’t be…i vust not forget my mission. Vell i’ll tell you my ztory.

After ezcaping the izey cold pitz of hell, El Nath. I trecked my vay to the ztation in ze town orbiz. I zaited patiently on ze ship zating for it to leave, zen just as I vought i vaz doomed for 20minutez ov utter boredom. Vut zhe heavenz muzt have been zhining down on me becauze juzt az zhe boat took flight, zhe mozt beutiful girl boreded zhe zhip. She vaz comming my vey, vhat should I do? should i talk to her? It was too late to turn back “hello there” zhe girl zaid. “A-a-ayeshman” I ztuttured back. Zuddenly zhe ship started rocking and zhe girl fell into my armz. I velt a warm glow zhoot thoughout my body, I started blushing a bit. read more

Helloo Commradez.

Ayeshman fellow MMoTalerz.

Thiz iz Commrad Kirov speaking here. I have come to thiz zite to liven it up with my talez ov Horror, exzitement, tradgedy and zwacky adventurez. Az you may have picked up, I am from The MotherLand of Russia. I vaz sent here to spy on you all, collect infomation and zend it back to the MotherLand.

But zumthing terrible happend. I zwas sending infomation back to the MotherLand ven zuddenly a yeti burst into the cave i vas camping in. I managed to ezcape but it came at a price, zhat terrible monster deztroyed all ov my equipment. read more

Zuch a Cold and Lonely place..

El Nath…Zuch a Cold and Lonely plaze, Danger lurking behind every vorner. The voad ahead is dark. I valk and I valk..zut it never zeemz to end. Hoping for a zign of any type of zivillization out here.

Zuddenly I hear a pitched sceam “AWOOO”, I look in every direction, zut i seen nothing, I valk on, my dagger clenched in my vist, i veel the zold steel ov the metal prezz up againzt my chest, dezsperdly praying for any sign ov human life. read more