Lost Time (1): An Analysis

Well, I was training my friend’s cleric at Platoon Chronos, so I decided to write up this blog due to boredom.

Platoon Chronos have roughly 1.8k hp and gives 99 exp. The map consists of 6 platforms and 1 long flat ground at the bottom. As you can probably infer, the monsters tend to spawn in clusters. This is good for characters with Area of Effect (AOE) spells, which means lightning wizards or clerics. Other classes probably wouldn’t fare so well here.

Training at Lost Time (1) is quite simple. You go from platform to platform, spamming heal or lightning, collect the drops, then rinse and repeat. At the bottom, you might wanna do luring, as there are many platoon chronos scattered around. It doesn’t really make much of a difference in terms of exp gain though.

Teleport is quite important here. It helps you get from one platform to another faster and easier. It also helps get you in the middle of a monster cluster to effectively use AOE spells.

Platoon Chronos drops diamonds, power crystal ores and stimulators (worthless unless you are making weapons, but can be npced for 20k). They also drop Esther Shields, which is a must have for all magicians (cause it simply looks so cool). The meso drop isn’t too good though, but experience is quite fast (if you have AOE, otherwise it will suck).

Recommended levels are 45 ~ 55, but it will be better to move on to Master Chronos at lvl 50 (if you have found your Esther Shield, if not keep looking lol).

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