
Hi everyone! It’s Tensa again, Im back with another story! The one about My friend BunnyStars taking me to the Mas Dungeons O.o For you high level FlyFF people out there you knwow hat I’m talking about…

Anyway, I actually met Bunny on her assist at the duel zone, trying to kill a mage a significant level lower than me but couldnt.. Lol She took me for training at the redmantis. After she told me to go to town and Deposit all my stuff because the Mas Dungeon has good loots. So I did and we went off. After much lag and crying for someone to open the door we got in. I was hiding behind a lot of things lol. I made 70k off the loots thoguh ^^
I’ll just say it’s me being dead at the worm/female thingys… Why am I turned on?

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