~!Wee lvl 51!~

Yah, yah

I’m FINALLY Level 51!

I would be happy in fact I am! But it’s my Girlfriend now she’s mad at me! Well She won’t be when I “propose” to her L0L!!!111!!0n3!!

So Anyway I tried to make this blog as most entertaining as possible! Because I WAS planning on PQing to level 51!
But I didn’t I just hung out with my friends and told them to help me and they did. . . PIC 1 NOW!

So Anyway everything was going smooth and it took a while (4 people very little exp to get(Plus! high levels training friend that got hacked))


We trained slowly and talked most of the time and my friend, got a little to talkative and Dies! Pic 2!!! NOWA!!

Yah Then I tell her HELLO! 99.xx%! and she’s like “WELL IT’S YOUR FAULT MR.CLERIC! and so on bleh bleh blaming the healer!

So Anyway, She then goes “Well IF YOU LEVEL UP AND I DON’T SEE IT I WILL KILL YOU!!” So I don’t because she’ll do it somehow. . .

So We wait and wait (she decides to pick up her w.g. from Fm)

Finally she gets back and I level up!! PIC 3!!

Yah Thats it level 51 FINALLY! So the point is I’m trying to make! Is Don’t Ever Train With Your Friends When Your Trying To Level Quickly! xDDD

No Not really it was fun entertaining and the next day I learn that she only flipped out because she was like at 85%, So Yah!

Thats all Blog from Your’s Truly


P.S. Pic 4 is something made by my brother! and Pic 5 is Something I noticed. . .
P.S.S. My cousin got blocked (Sh1noku) cuz I fell on top of him when hit by a Master Chronos
P.S.S.S. The pics are all last minute but the events are all true!

2 thoughts on “~!Wee lvl 51!~”

  1. Congrats on 51! Currently I’m a level 25magician in Bellocan, Struggling to get to 30 because of homework and hackers,

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