Helloo Commradez.

Ayeshman fellow MMoTalerz.

Thiz iz Commrad Kirov speaking here. I have come to thiz zite to liven it up with my talez ov Horror, exzitement, tradgedy and zwacky adventurez. Az you may have picked up, I am from The MotherLand of Russia. I vaz sent here to spy on you all, collect infomation and zend it back to the MotherLand.

But zumthing terrible happend. I zwas sending infomation back to the MotherLand ven zuddenly a yeti burst into the cave i vas camping in. I managed to ezcape but it came at a price, zhat terrible monster deztroyed all ov my equipment.

I vill be here blogging on thiz zite as a temporary zource of communication until i can get my equipment up and running again, I hope my commradez back in Russia receive this.

I vust make an atempt to fix my equipment now, Tranzmission over.

15 thoughts on “Helloo Commradez.”

  1. Hah, Red Alert got to your brain again? Love that game, a bloody classic. (Kirov. . .XD)

    Zwelcome thoo thiz MMOTalez placze!

  2. Welcome to MMOTales! If you have any questions, just PM me.

    I see you are a Role-Player. I’d imagine you would spend lots of time in the forums.

  3. I don’t like your stereotype of Russians. I’m clearly too serious and you’re clearly too ignorant. Oh well, just ignore me.

    *emos in a corner*

  4. Sounds French, like that pirkid says.

    And yeah, welcome. In MMOtales, blogs write you! [/lame attempt at funny joke]

  5. Welcome, I won’t be on MMOTales for long, too much class and homework lately.

    I just come on when I have the chance, read my blogs to know more about me

    anyway, Welcome to MMOTales

  6. Hello .

    Welcome to MMOTALES~~ <33

    You won’t get any information from me .

    I don’t have any .

    *laughs insanely*

  7. Die you Commie Nazi!

    Nosrsly, welcome to MMOTales. I’m one of the people in the Security office. You may refer to me as Agent I. If there is a breach in security, I’ll know who to come to. *pleasant smile*

  8. Welcome to MMOTales.

    I’m Dest1, as you can see.

    Try to enjoy it here and don’t get into any flame wars.

  9. SweetAznPunk said: “Welcome to MMOTales. -hands over coco-“

    “Coco” is spelled with an “A”

    Welcome to MMOTales

    I’m Waffle =)

    Enjoy it here and follow the rules

    Pm me if you ever need any help

  10. Welcome to MMOtales! Your going to like, and if you don’t, ::holds up a chainsaw and grins evilly:: I’m Grimno, few know me, few care. . . I’m just the backwater “crazy-guy” of MMOtales. I can’t help it, my mind is very active. . . just ask this walnut!” ::gives SoupNazi a Walnut::

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