All posts by Solsund

Sometimes I hate being good at math.

Assassins don’t have it very easy.

Warriors can go fight enemy after enemy and take very little damage in the process due to their higher armor and then they can just stand around for a short bit and regain most of their health.

Mages can fight tons of enemies, have long range attacks and don’t suffer from the problem that assassins do where if the enemy is close then you can’t hit them with your good attacks. They also regain MP very fast whether they stand still or not. read more

Wow, my own personal KS’er

I’m playing during the 2x Exp event and I’m killing wild boars, which I found out I can one shot kill using Lucky Seven so I’m doing really good. I’m worked out a little area in Land of the Wild Boars to fight in and I’ve just got a small crappy spot for about thirty minutes.

Then I notice the person with the good spot is gone so I move up there and fight for another 20 minutes up there and everything is going great. Then some person comes along and moves straight into the middle of my spot and says “This is my area, don’t kill these”. Now it always bugs me when I’m moving through an area and people start spamming “CC Plz” before you’ve even done anything. Earlier that day I was fighting guys and someone fell from above and started throwing lightning all over the place killing all the stuff I was fighting then got mad at me for KS’ing her. read more

Solsunds Quest – Day 1

I started out my first day on the road to recovery just like I had planned, by begging for a new weapon. I tried begging in various areas, each time asking only for a crappy weapon. I wasn’t interested in money or any real help just a simple weapon that would let me get started. When no one would give me anything in Kerning City I moved out to the construction site nearby and started to scavenge up things that people were leaving behind. I wasn’t trying to steal items but people were just killing monsters and never even bothering to pick them up. After about a half hour someone finally sent me a trade invite and it didn’t come from someone who was high level and could afford to throw away a level 1 weapon, it was a level 14 character. He gave me my first weapon, a wooden club. Normally, I’d try to repay the kindness he showed me with something in return but all I was able to do was give him his first fame. His name was xNaruto8 and when I am back to full capacity as an assassin again if he’s still playing I’ll track him down and repay him. read more

Solsund’s Quest – Opening

Solsund’s Quest – A Maple Story Rags to Riches Tale

I’ve been playing Maple Story for around two months now and as my first character I decided to become an Assassin. I’ve been slowly working my way along, building up money, buying new items and generally learning what is going on in the game. I managed to make it to my first goal on Easter day, which was becoming a full-fledged Assassin. Since then I worked my way up to being a level 33 and was in Ludibrium working on level 34 when I was having a chat with some friends that I met online. read more