All posts by paterack7

Level 75!

So today I logged on, a measly 55%. However, I had a goal, level today. Man I smashed that goal…

Also along with getting level 75, I got 4 digit mage ranking and I got my Dark Ritual. Finally I could wield it. 4 int, 97 M. Atk, yeah it was under average when it was scrolled but who cares. (I still think EW looks better with my set)

Screen 1: Me Levelling
Screen 2: Me and My DR read more

The Maple Story: Episode 16

To be honest, this is my favorite Episode so far. I hope you feel the same way. Enjoy!

When we got the Grupin Tails we headed back to Eric’s house. His parents were great cooks and the meal was fantastic. After we ate we all just sat and talked to each other. We were having a great time. It was getting late and so we decided to go to sleep. I ended up sleeping on the floor because there was not enough beds for everybody. read more

My Day

So I never blogged about my MS experiences except for when I was almost a mage and when I turned into a mage. So here I am, proudly blogging about my MS Day today. So as many of you know it was 2x Exp today. I started at 2% and got to 25% at the end. Yeah I know pretty crappy. That’s 23% in 2 hours which means regularly I would get 5.25% an hour. Except I wasn’t there for the whole thing, and I was talking to my friends a LOT. But after 2x Exp I decided to venture toward Vic. Haven’t been there in a while, plus it’s a tradition (sort of) for me to go after I level and kill Mushmom/Jr. Rog/Something. So living up to that tradition, I tried to go Zombie Mushmom…. Bad Idea. 122 Priest 112 DK and a 98 Hermit. The moment it spawned they killed it. I didn’t even have time to take a screenie. In fact, there’s only one screenie in this blog although there should be like… 4. During school I promised my friend that I’d take him to show Mushmom (although he’d die in 1 hit) over the weekend. So we went and right when we got there it spawned. Naturally, a 98 Chief Bandit, 71 Hermit, and 83 Ranger killed it. Once again, no screenie. So then I decided to go do the Amoira Hair Quest with my friend (same friend). We got the liquids and head off toward Amoira. Okay before I tell you the results I want to tell you what I got before:
1 Trip Cut
1 Buzz Cut
1 Bowl Cut read more

The Maple Story: Episode 15

Here is Episode 15 to The Maple Story. Enjoy!

I left the academy and went back to Lith Harbor in order to see my parents. I went to the front door with a note posted on it.

“Off to Florina Beach for a few days. Be back on Friday.”

“Great… now what am I supposed to do?” I asked myself.

I decided to head to the Dark Lord to learn about this mysterious skill I somehow mastered. I went to the taxi cab and paid for a trip to Kerning City. I climbed down the stairs in the Jazz Fusion bar to the Dark Lord. read more

The Maple Story: Episode 14

Here is the 14th Episode to The Maple Story.

At last, my time of revenge has come.

We circled around each other waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally, Daniel lunged at me with his spear. This was my moment; I jumped over him with the help of my haste, and struck him in the back. The attack made just a mere scratch in his armor. He turned around swinging his spear at me. It almost hit me but I still dodged it. I then went for the feet, stabbing his toes. read more

The Maple Story: Episode 13

Yeah this episode was supposed to be longer… but when writing it I realized that it was way too long for one episode. Well… Enjoy!

Eric and I looked at our opponents and couldn’t believe our eyes.

Eric, Team AMelissa, Team BTuesday, 3:10
Kevin, Team ADaniel, Team BTuesday, 3:20

Eric turned to me and said, “At least I don’t have to try for my match. But look, the match times are really close. Melissa and I will probably throw it so we can watch the end of yours. read more

The Maple Story: Episode 12

Sorry it took so long but here is Episode 12 to The Maple Story.

I woke up to the sound of someone crying. I opened my eyes with the little strength I had and saw that it was Amy and we were in the academy’s hospital.

“Amy, how long have I been here?” I asked while looking around.

“Just a little over 2 hours.” She replied.

I lay back down to get some more rest. I told Amy that she should go and not worry about me. She obeyed and left the room. read more

The Maple Story: Episode 11

Ok here is Episode 11. Enjoy!

On Saturday we went on another venture through Ant Tunnel. Amy and I were talking throughout the whole walk.

“So about yesterday…” Amy said nervously.

“Yeah I was thinking about that too.” I told her.

“So where does this leave us?” she asked.

“Well I don’t know about right now… but, would you like to be my girlfriend?” I asked blushing. read more

The Maple Story: Episode 10

So here is the long-awaited (I hope) episode 10 to The Maple Story! I thought that this was going to be a lot better than the last episode. In my opinion it is better… but not as good as I hoped it would be. Well here it is

I got up to the sound of birds chirping. I woke up, got dressed, and tucked my Korean Fan in my back pocket. After Eric woke up, we headed down to breakfast. We talked with Amy and everyone else as usual. read more

The Maple Story: Episode 9

Here is the 9th episode to The Maple Story. This episode is surprisingly boring compared to the other ones. Sorry but I needed to have an extra week to work with. You’ll get it later. Well enjoy!

Having the first three days of the academy knocked down, I had officially learned where every class of mine was. I also learned what all the buildings were for. read more