Alright so, for SOME reason I attract a lot of idiots on MapleStory.
By a lot, I mean a lot. Like to the point of me getting pissed at the game and logging off for awhile in the middle of a training session.
So, alright. I had some kid come in Free Market where my girlfriend and I were sitting and he starts to call me a “poozi”, which I’m just going to assume means “pussy”, while he thought we were both AFK. We weren’t. He then ran off after I moved. I go outside on a mule and defamed him once. I was going to only defame him once until he opened his immature mouth again. His response to my defame: “stuped hermit cant git no poozi irl feg u date on ms poozi”. This gave me a “lolirl” moment. Seeing as 1) though it’s of no one’s real concern, I’m not a virgin 2) I’m a NL 3) I have a girlfriend, so that rules out the “feg” part 4) I’m far from stupid, graduated at the age of 15. Anyways, soo I defame him some more. Then his friend defames my girlfriend when she was just sitting in the Free Market room, AFK on the phone with me while we talked about the hideous grammar and english of them both. After that he tries to defame us on some random mule. He couldn’t catch me but got my girlfriend. We went to NLC to sit in “our spot” that we usually AFK at and he whispers her talking to her about the whole ordeal. He claims the character I defamed was only a mule yet he whined like it was a main. Why would a mule have 5x fame to begin with? Why would he hide in FM CH1 to avoid being defamed? It made no sense. Then he tried to apologize for his actions. After which he just started cussing in his horrendous english.