All posts by Fate

The Revolution – III

Trying to update more, though my laziness makes me not-write a lot. XD

Thanks for reading!


Chapter 3: The Proposition

“Well, Atol, looks like you dug your friend into some deeeep trouble.”

There was a degree of silence following Teryn’s statement. Renelle observed the wizard – whose name he had finally given as stated – give the thief what could have been a fleeting scowl, before smiling weakly. “Yeah…I didn’t actually expect there to be a Balrog though.” read more

It’s the Dungeon!

Now if the pics will show up…Anyway!

Thought I’d put up a blog about the Aqua Road Dungeon, all brand-spankin’ new to Maple Global.

I like, totally died. So go ahead and laugh. XD

Pic 1: Channel 1 where all the people who could actually kill the sharks and crap are.
Pic 2: Me, who stupidly went to channel 8 and died in two hits because I got my potion keys screwed up. D;
Pic 3: Squids and lots of ink getting all stirred up by…a Crusader and an Ice Mage, I think…
Pic 4: The squid monsters…I didn’t die this time. >.>
Pic 5: There’s a dude in a sunken ship. Word. XD read more

The Revolution – II

Chapter 2 is dedicated to Brian. I’ll miss ya, buddy. <3

And special thanks to the above-mentioned Brian, Michelle, and Brent for all the encouragement! =D


Chapter 2: On a Calm Day

It was a breezy midday in the sunny port town of Lith Harbor. The pristine, white city was flitting with life, townspeople going about their daily business and visiting the docks for fresh produce and other merchandise. Elsewhere, visitors to the seaport town enjoyed the balmy, salt-tinged air, and others still could be seen chatting with Pason as they prepared for a sun-filled vacation to Florina Beach. And, echoing in the distance, its tall masts and colors flying proudly, was the whirring sounds from the engines of the Victoria. The flying ship had just completed another depositing of newcomers to Victoria Island, and the roaring orders of Captain Shanks to prepare for take-off occasionally sounded over the general hustle and bustle. read more

All This Fighting. Shut Up About It.

And the title got cut off. It was supposed to have an “>.>” at the end. Dx Oh well.

Disclaimer: This is not meant to personally attack anyone.

Ok, so, while all this fighting may be none of my business, I just want to try and go out on a limb to try and better the MMOTales community. Also, this is coming from someone that is not a “regular” on the site; I just browse through here every so often to read good blogs about MapleStory and such. What I really hate seeing is this stupid and utterly childish fighting that’s going on between two certain persons. read more

MSEA and GMS: Equal?

While prodding and hurrying the .26 Patch along, something dawned on me about the two (currently) English-oriented versions of Maple Story (current, as MapleEurope has yet to be fully released). So here we go.

Title explanation: It really should be something like, “Why do MapleSEA and MapleGlobal have to be Equal?” but that was a bit long, so I decided to go with this. read more

The Revolution – I

Thanks in advance for reading! =D

[Edit: Changed ending to make it not-so-bad. Also changed the title to make it fit better with the chapter content.]


Chapter 1: The First Encounter

The dungeon of Ant Tunnel wasn’t just dark. It was also dank and musty, the thick and foul air most likely arising from the trapped, still water that dripped down from the streams and systems above. It was also said that geysers existed even deeper into the tunnel, the huge spouts erupting from subterranean sources into the Tunnels of Lost Light. Hell, it could be the “Tree of Life” dripping some miracle water into the caves, making deceased mushrooms into zombies. But she had never been one to listen to fairies, even if she had grown up with them. Especially reclusive fairies like Mar. If one spent too much time alone, who knew what sort of crazy ideas could filter through? read more

Why Does Hybrid Equate Stupid? ;-;

I have a Hybrid Bandit. For those of you who don’t know what Hybrids are, it means that you create a character of a certain class and rather flip-flop back and forth between (essentially) different weapons. Two common Hybrid types are Hybrid Spearman and Hybrid Bandits, commonly referred to as “Bansins” and other nicknames I can’t quite remember right now. read more

What to do?

What do you do when you discover that your friend is hacking in order to level up? Tell them to stop? Yeah, that works. But if they don’t…

You’re their friend, right? You can’t just report them and be done with it!

While I honestly wish this were a hypothetical situation, it’s not. A friend of mine has been hacking up his levels by vaccing monsters. The only reason I know this is because he is in my guild, and I was checking levels over one day and he was at 71, and the next day had shot up to 76. 5 levels, even for a Priest, in the span of 15 hours? Can’t be. It happened again recently too. From 80-85 within the timeframe of a day. I don’t know how he’s doing it (does the child ever sleep? O_o) but it’s happening. read more

Still Sore Over It?

This entire story has a LOT more drama to it than I care to explain, but I do feel like putting this out there and getting some form of opinions.

I had a good friend on Maple Story. Let’s call him Thomas. We both played Bera, and both of our main characters on that server are Fire/Poison Wizards. He was the leader of a guild, I was his trusted coleader. read more