All posts by Aurida

My Open Defiance

Well, I had gotten the news a few days ago when I logged on to SimpleMS, the Maple Story private server I’d been playing on for awhile. It came innocuously, and from one of my friends:

“Welcome to the end.”

Turns out that apparently the server had been sent a cease and desist letter, and would therefore be shutting down- and they were holding a large get-together to ‘end it right,’ or something.
Well… That sort of thing usually just depresses me, so I left and talked very angrily about it for awhile, before getting an invite to join a second private server. read more

My Dark(er!) Side

Of course I’d blog about everything after I learn that it’s to be destroyed.
‘S just my luck. Sorry for sharing it with you.

Can you imagine if I was actually like that?! Bhahaha!
Well, it’s me again, generic author number … Well, I don’t know what number I was given when I registered. It wasn’t THAT long after MMOT opened, but we’re not going by the post number of my first blog, of course. read more

My Sudden Return

…I have returned, mortals!!

Yes, you are reading that correctly. If, in the slim chance that you don’t know who’s writing this, it is I! Much exalted level 78 Priest of Scania, the great Aurida!
…Oh, TakJensen, my… partner in crime, you could say, is here as well.

But enough expository banter! I have, after a long hiatus, been compelled to rejoin Maple Story by that ‘user,’ whom I’m apparently not supposed to know about! …I may have just annihilated Tak’s view of religion, but that will go away with counseling. Or death. Or death-counseling.
“You know, I’m right over here,” he said. Death-counseling it is. read more

My Teacher’s Gone Bad

So, um. I’ve never done this before. This is where I put stuff in, right?
Testing, testing… One, B, four…
Excellent. Well, today, your beloved author isn’t here. Nay, it is I, Aurida, the always neglected ‘character’ who merely gets PLAYED by that fool like I am some sort of pawn. Marching me into incessant danger, forcing me to kill or be killed! read more

Eternal- Chapter 8-1

“You idiot!,” a shadowy figure yelled, banging on the desk in front of him. “Zakum, you absolute moron! Do you ever think that during your career of getting killed for a living, you could, I don’t know, learn how to fight back?!”
“Silence, Irving.” A tall man stepped into the room, completely cloaked in an unassuming brown robe. His eyes radiated control– his face shined with every feature unique to a born leader.
The room was also unassuming. Three walls were large and featureless, with only one large wall containing images of Zakum’s defeat, and those of Rodin’s party. Five desks sat in the middle of the room, but only two people were there.
“My lord… I apologize,” the shadowed figure said, standing to his feet and subsequently kneeling.
“I know. You tried to help by controlling him, and you did manage to take out the one Priest,” the cloaked figure said. His mind was obviously on something else as he was talking.
Clenching his fists, Irving spoke. “They’ll bring her back, though, sir. The other Priest has Dispel enough for that,” he said, visibly regretting this oversight.
The cloaked figure looked up, staring into Irving’s eyes. “Were you not watching close enough? Is the rate of darkness you have in this room OBSCURING your vision?”
Irving hung his head, muttering. “But… it’s hard to see with the lights on…”
“Yes, I realize this. Darkness mage, and all that. Maybe your eyes would become accustomed to the light if you trained them.” The cloaked figure clapped once, illuminating the room.
The shadowy figure’s aforementioned shadows were eliminated, revealing a man wearing extremely an gaudy Golden Requiem. “And for Bob’s sake, do you have to dress like that?”
Irving had heard this before. “No, sir.”
The cloaked figure sighed, tossing his gaze at the live image of Rodin over his protege’s shoulder. “It is not important. You missed the fact that the curse was amplified by Zakum’s existing magic power. She’ll be like that for awhile.”
“Oh. So… I did good?,” Irving asked, smiling.
“Not yet. You still must take out the others.”
Irving frowned. “I… was not looking forward to that fact.”
“Yes, but Zakum is… or was, your responsibility.”
“When you kill them, the energy that was re-bound to the balance will liberate itself. It’s absolutely imperative that you kill ALL of them that were present.”
“And if they revive?,” he asked with a fearful tone.
“They will not. But, you have a job to do. I would send one of the others with you, had they not gone to exterminate the last of the old Order.”
“Yeah. I know Brunel would be helpful in taking care of the warrior.”
“…Possibly. Do not fail us, Irving.”
“As long as I draw breath, my loyalty is to the new Order, my lord,” Irving said, saluting and then vanishing into a shadow he’d created under him.
“I know.” The cloaked figure walked over to an empty desk and sat down, sighing. “I’d… always imagined world conquest would be easier than this. Trying to rule a load of murder-centric buffoons while ridding the planet of those that came before us. Heh… Wizet group. Pitiful bunch. So easy to kill. No honor at all.” He leaned back in the chair, contemplating his next move.
“I wonder what the national march of our world order will be.” read more

My New Class: Black Belt

Since I got so many positive reviews for the last one, my creation of the Mage Knight class, here I’ve decided to anyway.
For those of you going ‘Oh, man, not again…,’ you should know that I was going to do it regardless of what you thought.
Apathy for the win!

Rodin said: “Whatever. Just get on with it or I’ll take my chances with Geomancy. I thought you were allergic to being impaled by stalagmites…”

OK, OK! Whatever. Just don’t do anything drastic.

Random said: ” Wheee, I feel special!”

o_o;; Whatever! read more

My New Class: Mage Knight

( In the vein of Lunar Panda’s recent descriptions of jobs, I’ve decided to make job descriptions for the characters in my crappy demi-fanfic, Eternal. [shameless plug]Check it out if you haven’t seen it.(And leave comments!)[/shameless plug] Hope you enjoy them whilst they last. )

2nd Job: Mage Knight (Apprentice)
Progresses from: Either Magician or Warrior, depending on which 1st job skills you want first. read more

My Sacrifical Altar

Hmm. Well, all seems to be well and good in the Aurida universe. Joining FlyFF worked out well, (though I’m still too frightened to go back to my friends on Maple Story) as I’m now a Lv. 41 Assist.
Trying to make a guild, but gathering the necessary 3 million Penya is proving to be a challenge.

Aurida said: “There must be a better way to gather money. Like, monsters or something? I’ll defeat them all!”

Yeah, you’ll have to excuse him. He’s hyper over being a battle-type class now, like Rodin always wasn’t.
Speaking of Rodin, someone stole his name on FlyFF, so I can’t use him. Boo. However, there are workarounds to this. Like assassination. read more

My Flesh is Strong but my Spirit’s Weak

So, yeah… in light of the recent time-limiting I’ve recieved, and thusly being unable to level up in Maple Story, I have given in. I have joined the dark side.

Darth said: ” Excellent… Now, join me, and we shall rule the galaxy as… Um… acquaintances! Mwahaha!”

Uh, no thanks.
My Lv. 13 Vagrant (Personally? I think ‘Vagrant’ is stupid, so I’m going to call them Freelancers. Sue me.) to-be-Assist was almost an Assist… except for the server rollback. Dang, I suppose I have to finish the timed portion of that quest again.
At least that nooblet who told me to, ahem, ‘give me your account’ after I gave him (for free) some armor I couldn’t use… lost his single level and also the stuff I gave him. NO SOUP FOR YOU!
FlyFF is turning out to be rather cool. I was sort of expecting a Maple Story-type levelling curve in which the first five levels took under 5 minutes and the next ten took an hour and 30, but instead it’s turning out to be rather good in that respect!
It makes levelling seem like a worthy achievement, while not making it take too long. (Seriously, it seems I can level up once here in the time I can level up in Maple… from 99%.)
My only regret is abandoning the Lv. 77 Priest, all my friends, and my guild I left behind in Maple Story.
Jessica, L33t Master, Blake, Lyn, Esther… Plus all of Myrmidon, if you’re reading this, know that I will return when this whole situation gets worked out. I’m sorry for this…
(Paro, you don’t get added into my Myrmidon statement, ‘cuz I made you come with me. Bwahaha.)
Well, yeah. If anyone wants to contact me, I’m on the Mia server under the name ‘Aurida.’ Fitting for an Assist, huh? No, I was going to make Rodin, a Mercenary– but the name was taken! What the crap! read more

My Belated Rambling.

Ok, before I start to spew my veritable nonsense over the page you’re so used to seeing as the backdrop to greatness, let me just ask you one thing.
Does THIS (See picture one.) look like someone who isn’t serious?!

TakJensen said: “I, Tek Jansen, will knock you all down! …Uhh, once I get power guard, anyway. -grumble.-“

Divert all power to lame deflectors, and throw the awesomeness switch. Ten levels to go before Tek can effectively kill almost anything. (At Level 50, an HP Warrior can kill any enemy except Papulatus Clock. This isn’t because of inability- you actually can’t get to him. Same as Zakum. If it wasn’t for that level restriction, an HP Warrior would be able to kill anything at Lv. 41. The flesh is strong, but the spirit is weak.)
Aurida’s received, apparently, the blessing of Good and Bad Luck. He hit Lv. 77 (see picture 2) but his NX Cash stuff expired! read more