My New Class: Black Belt

Since I got so many positive reviews for the last one, my creation of the Mage Knight class, here I’ve decided to anyway.
For those of you going ‘Oh, man, not again…,’ you should know that I was going to do it regardless of what you thought.
Apathy for the win!

Rodin said: “Whatever. Just get on with it or I’ll take my chances with Geomancy. I thought you were allergic to being impaled by stalagmites…”

OK, OK! Whatever. Just don’t do anything drastic.

Random said: ” Wheee, I feel special!”

o_o;; Whatever!

Second Job: Monk
Advances from: Rogue.

Ability points: You’d probably want a combination of STR and DEX. Making it the same as a warrior would probably make it difficult to be a first jobber, so it may require some thought.
Obviously both Lucky Seven and Double Stab would be useless in this class, so the creation of a new first job skill would be required.

Martial Fist said: “Deals physical damage and knocks the monster back with a certain success rate.
Level 1: 330% fist damage, 23% knock back rate. -8 MP
Level 10: 600% fist damage, 50% knock back rate. -12 MP
Level 20: 900% fist damage, 80% knock back rate. -16 MP
(The reason for such a high damage is that if you’ve ever seen an Assassin fight with just his/her fist attacks, they’re extremely weak.)”

You’d still do the normal second job advancement, and when you become a Monk you gain access to all sorts of new skills, along with claw-type weapons that go on both hands. They’d look just like claws, but have higher weapon attack, slower speeds, and be unable to throw stars.

Second job skills:

Fist Mastery said: ” The typical Mastery skill, it raises your minimum damage as a function of your maximum damage. Note that having one point in this skill also allows you to fight unarmed if you wish (of course, that’s rather useless, isn’t it…?)
Level 1: Fist Mastery 15%, Accuracy +1
Level 10: Fist Mastery 35%, Accuracy +10
Level 20: Fist Mastery 60%, Accuracy +20″
Final Attack: Fist said: “Adds a powerful extra jab to any skill attack, with a certain power and success rate. Can only be activated with a Fist-type weapon in hand.
Level 1: 2% success rate, 315% damage.
Level 10: 20% success rate, 450% damage.
Level 20: 40% success rate, 600% damage.
Level 30: 60% success rate, 750% damage.”
Fervor said: “For the time that this skill is in effect, it grants an extra level of speed to any Fist attack and doubles the maximum damage at the cost of temporarily nullifying any Mastery skills.
Level 1: HP -87, MP -87; Increase in fist speed for 10 seconds, double fist damage, drops Fist Mastery by 49%.
Level 10: HP -60, MP -60; Increase in fist speed for 100 seconds, double fist damage, drops Fist Mastery by 40%.
Level 20: HP -30, MP -30; Increase in fist speed for 200 seconds, double fist damage, drops Fist Mastery by 30%.”
Endure said: “You know what this does, right?”
Savage Blow: Fist said: “Deal rapid damage by striking numerous times.
Level 1: MP -9; Attack 2x with 66% damage
Level 10: MP -18; Attack 2x with 120% damage
Level 20: MP -27; Attack 4x with 180% damage
Level 30: MP -36; Attack 6x with 240% damage”
Death Fist said: “Hurls an enemy backwards, damaging other enemies on the way.
Level 1: MP -11; Knock-Back rate 33%, 300% fist damage, thrown monster hits 2 monsters, dealing 105% fist damage.
Level 10: MP -20; Knock-Back rate 60%, 500% fist damage, thrown monster hits 4 monsters, dealing 150% fist damage.
Level 20: MP -30; Knock-Back rate 80%, 700% fist damage, thrown monster hits 5 monsters, dealing 200% fist damage.
Level 30: MP -40; Knock-Back rate 100%, 900% fist damage, thrown monster hits 6 monsters, dealing 250% fist damage.”

And that does it for the second job. May not be entirely special (And I DO hope it’s not too overpowered…) but it does the trick and looks cool doing it.

Seeing as I’ve now spoiled enough for the Eternal readers, I can’t give out the third job skills at this time. Nay! The vigilant will have to wait for chapter seven (…and I guess the people who only like these, too. Hmm.)



6 thoughts on “My New Class: Black Belt”

  1. I did it considering the low punching damage which ‘sins of every level possess. They’d still do that same damage, only now they have skills to raise it to a competent level.

  2. Black Belts are known to break the laws of physics and the laws of time and space.


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