My Flesh is Strong but my Spirit’s Weak

So, yeah… in light of the recent time-limiting I’ve recieved, and thusly being unable to level up in Maple Story, I have given in. I have joined the dark side.

Darth said: ” Excellent… Now, join me, and we shall rule the galaxy as… Um… acquaintances! Mwahaha!”

Uh, no thanks.
My Lv. 13 Vagrant (Personally? I think ‘Vagrant’ is stupid, so I’m going to call them Freelancers. Sue me.) to-be-Assist was almost an Assist… except for the server rollback. Dang, I suppose I have to finish the timed portion of that quest again.
At least that nooblet who told me to, ahem, ‘give me your account’ after I gave him (for free) some armor I couldn’t use… lost his single level and also the stuff I gave him. NO SOUP FOR YOU!
FlyFF is turning out to be rather cool. I was sort of expecting a Maple Story-type levelling curve in which the first five levels took under 5 minutes and the next ten took an hour and 30, but instead it’s turning out to be rather good in that respect!
It makes levelling seem like a worthy achievement, while not making it take too long. (Seriously, it seems I can level up once here in the time I can level up in Maple… from 99%.)
My only regret is abandoning the Lv. 77 Priest, all my friends, and my guild I left behind in Maple Story.
Jessica, L33t Master, Blake, Lyn, Esther… Plus all of Myrmidon, if you’re reading this, know that I will return when this whole situation gets worked out. I’m sorry for this…
(Paro, you don’t get added into my Myrmidon statement, ‘cuz I made you come with me. Bwahaha.)
Well, yeah. If anyone wants to contact me, I’m on the Mia server under the name ‘Aurida.’ Fitting for an Assist, huh? No, I was going to make Rodin, a Mercenary– but the name was taken! What the crap!

Aurida said: “So I’m going to be some sort of Monk/White Mage combo? Sweet, hook me up… but can I still keep Doom around?”

No, it wouldn’t be very useful. Turning 3-dimensional objects into 2-dimensional objects? Sounds like a recipe for failure.
So yeah.
Signing off as a traitor to the entire Mapleverse,

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