Through Wilderness, Through War Ch- 9

Author’s Note: This chapter is a short transition scene, where not much action takes place. However, please read it to understand the next chapter. Thank you.

Chapter 9: The Choice

You’re not alone
Together we stand
I’ll be by your side you know I’ll take your hands
When it gets cold, and it feels like the end
There’s no place to go you know I won’t give in
No I won’t give in
~Avril Lavinge read more

stupid people

I swear to god, I’m tired of people who think they’re so much better then everyone else. Today my brother and I were at ZMM, I’m a 62 Spearman and he is a 63 hunter, a 72 hermit came in, he left saying he didn’t want to wait. 5 minutes later he came back, he said” oh you people again”, at an attempt to be funny i said, what do you mean by “you people”?. Then he stayed this time to ks us because i called him racist…. While we were waiting he was talking about that he was so much better then us and how “Mr.Spearman” couldn’t even hit ZMM, i don’t miss her. then he started talking about how he wished he left his ranger in victoria island cause he could ks us even better. We could’ve beat him since there was two of us and one of him; however, i looked away from my computer and did not see it spawn so i only got in a few hits,which i didn’t miss by the way, so he got the kill. I’m sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes i made, I’m just mad and i felt like telling someone. read more

Nature’s Balance (1)

“The moon, the stars, the sun, they are all connected.” A man motions to the sky. “Nature is an everlasting cycle, never stopping. Things are created, they live, then they die. Everything happens naturally.” He pauses, and looks up to admire the night sky.

Beside him, a young teen sits. “If nature is so persistent, then why was our planet nearly destroyed eons ago?” read more

Is this paper good?

The Legend of the Ghost of Sparta
Kratos was a legend of Sparta; he led his soldiers to victory after victory and was also known as the Ghost of Sparta. He didn’t know it but he was Zeus’s son in mortal form. He was a mortal that the gods soon learned to fear with his powers expanding every day and his wisdom growing to excessive amounts of knowledge.
Kratos was striving for god hood, trying to be the best and gain the title of God of War on Mt. Olympus. He engaged in combat with the crazed barbarian king and as he was knocked to the ground by the giant war hammer he prayed to Ares (the current god of war). Ares came down, realizing his needs he gave Kratos the blades of chaos that welded to Kratos’ hands and all this power for servitude to the God of War. With Kratos’ newfound powers he tears the land apart with his blood lust.
In his blood lust he came to a temple; the oracle at the front of the temple warned him away and told him he would regret it forever. Kratos only smacked the oracle aside and charged through slaughtering the innocent souls inside the temple only to find out that he had just killed his wife and daughter. He received the name “Ghost of Sparta” because he was stained with the ashes of his wife and daughter.
Kratos forsake his servitude to Ares and went on a journey to slay the God of War. Kratos traveled around Greece giving his loyal services to the gods (except Ares). While traversing the Aegean sea Kratos meets the water god Poseidon. The water god commands him to kill the hydra that lurked in the waters. In helping Poseidon he was granted the power called “Poseidon’s Rage (which allowed him to cast giant shock waves of lightning and thunder).”
Kratos then traversed to the capitol of Greece as well as his sister’s town, Athens. As he came to the outskirts of Athens he saw the legions of undead with Ares in the lead. He fought fiercely through the undead legions and got inside the walls of Athens. He was sent to go to the oracle but the harpies (a bird female mixed creature) came and kidnapped her. After a series of events he gained “Zeus’s Rage” which gave him the power to throw the legendary lightning bolts. He chased the harpies and caught the oracle and saved her as they tried to drop her into a black abyss. In return for saving her the oracle revealed the secret of how to destroy the God of War, Pandora’s Box.
Kratos had to traverse through the Desert of Lost Souls and summon the mighty Titan Kronos. After summoning the mighty Titan, condemned to carry Pandora’s temple on his back, he had to find Pandora’s Box which no mortal had ever done. It took him three days to climb the Titan and get inside the temple. The inside of the temple was designed with many traps that pushed the body to its mental and physical limits. While in the temple he was granted two new powers. Artemis, the goddess of hunting, gave the first. The Blade of Artemis, a giant blade only the huntress can wield, was soley her power but she gave him the powers to wield it. The second power was given to him by Hades, which allowed him to summon Hades undead soldiers, who were condemned to eternal servitude to Hades, to fight along side the Ghost of Sparta.
The Ghost of Sparta faced many challenges but his lust for revenge drove him forward hacking and slashing through the temple to get his ultimate goal, Pandora’s Box. As Kratos reached the legendary box Ares grabbed a column and hurled it at the temple, Kratos was impaled to the wall by the gods colossal strength and he had to watch helplessly as mere harpies stole the box and flew from his cursed soul.
Trapped in the underworld with Hades he clawed and slashed savagely through Hades minions and climbed up the wall of the underworld. He ended up in Athens, which Ares had taken from Athena. Kratos sees Ares talking to Zeus with Pandora’s Box in his hand. Kratos reached for his lightning bolt and struck the box out of his hand. He grasped the box. He opened up the box and the power of the gods was unleashed upon his forgiven soul as he grew to the massive height of Ares. Kratos fought the God of War and won the first round but Ares, not one to fight with fairness, conjured Kratos into his own sub consciousness and threw blow after blow of him brutally killing his family. Ares ripped the blades of chaos out of his hands and got ready to deal the final blow with the two blades Kratos had used to kill his family. Kratos grabbed the Blade of the Gods and stabbed the legendary blade through the blood lustful God of War.
Kratos was the savior of Athens and Athena offered him his most coveted position on Mt. Olympus, the God of War. The Ghost of Sparta accepted the position and he started off in his campaign to take the world and later try to take Mt. Olympus. He became so powerful that the gods started to fear him, even King Zeus.
Kratos was fighting the Colossus of Rhodes. Zeus saw the manner in which he was taking over Rhodes like Ares did in Athens. He came down in the form of an eagle and drained Kratos’s power. Kratos was in desperate need of power as he had fought the colossus several times. Zeus sent down the Blade of Olympus and Kratos slayed the mighty beast. The Colossus’s hand fell down and flattened Kratos and sent him down to the under world.
In the underworld Kratos met Gaia, the Titan of the Earth. Some of the gods were still on his side though and for the second time he escaped the underworld, but this time on a Pegasus. He travels to the Titan lair where the Pegasus is trapped under the grasp of Typhon. He found the six-armed Titan Prometheus who was chained to a pillar to be tortured every night and healed every morning. Kratos released him to the underworld to free him from his eternal damnation. Typhon then releases the Pegasus and gave him Titans Bane this gave him the power of the Titans incredible strength.
Kratos arrives onto the island of creation where he encounters the gatekeeper Theseus. Theseus challenges him to a duel, if Kratos wins Theseus will give him the key but if Kratos loses then Theseus will rid him to the underworld. Kratos of course wins the duel and takes the key and unlocks the door to find the image of Cronus floating in front of him. Cronus gives him a new skill, which allows him to devastate mobs of enemies.
On the island of creation Kratos puts together the three puzzle pieces and finds the sisters of fate. He finds another soul looking for the same thing as him the power of the Titans. Perseus, a hero long ago but now sent to fight Kratos as a test from the Sisters of Fate. As Kratos reaches the first sister he is warned not to seek out revenge so thoroughly and that he should stop his quest. In search for the other sister Kratos runs into a mortal and drives his blade through his back only to find out that this was the only survivor of the battle of Rhodes. The wounded soldier explains to him that Zeus has struck out and killed all of the Spartans. Kratos goes into a blind rage and his lust for revenge grows tenfold.
He finds the second sister who tells him again that his quest will fail and that he will lose the battle against Zeus. He lashes out at the sister, the sister grabs him and the first sister and jumps through a mirror to show him the battle where he killed Ares. Kratos grabs both of them and shoves them further in as he jumped out and shattered the mirror leaving them trapped in the past. The third sister then appears, the sister known to spin the web of fate. Shortly after engaging in battle with her he impales a large blade strapped to the side of the wall, into her chest. With the ability to go back in time Kratos jumps back in time and stops his own death. Athena intervenes and tries to stop but fails. Zeus takes off after having most of his powers drained by the sirens who assisted Kratos, who is immune to their song.
Zeus held a war council with many of the other gods regarding the treachery of Kratos and outside they hear trembling and the start of the second Titan war begins with Gaia in the lead. read more

Sins of a Chief Bandit, PtII: Chpt 10

Part 2:

The Stray Dog

Chapter 10

“The fear that I have yet to conquer… is you.”

It was the day of the arrival of Amana’s fiancé, along with his two loyal servants. The two servants, by my knowledge, were twins. One was a girl and the other a boy. They loved their ‘beloved master’ as a father and were extremely loyal to him.

From what I was told by a fellow guild-mate, they never left his side. They served and trained under him day and night. In return of their loyalty and loving service, he treats them as though they were his own children. Needless to say, he expected Amana to show much more love and loyalty to him more so than his two loyal servants. But whatever my mistress had said of her fiancé before, she stated oh so many times… read more


Well, I’ve been on BasilMarket for about two years now..

didn’t even know there was a MMO Tales..

Yah. So Now I ‘R Here Typing This Load Of [Insert Insulting Word Here]

Hehe ;o

I’ve been reading some stories here, they’re awesome..

and some not so awesome. =3

Well, that’s all. Just wanted to say hi to the MMO Tales community? read more

I got a Pet! =D

So yesterday i finally got another $10 NX card and i already had 100 NX left over from last time, so add those together and it is exactly enough NX to buy a White tiger, bow, and name tag. So that’s what i did and i named it after my brother (his middle name) Lynn. And ever since i got him i’ve been only working with him and raising the closeness level. Currently he’s at level 10 and i noticed it’s speaking mostly english now and not krowling as much. So now i have a ton of work to do to get Lynn to level 15 so i can talk through him =D read more

Wayeb.exe {Prologue}

The following is a short piece of fiction that I have written. In my personal opinion, it is ok, but not great, nor is it horrible. At first, it dose not seem to be MMO related, but near the end, it does connect. If and when I make more sections / parts / chapters, it will be much more MMO heavy. Please leave comments, or just a scale on 1 to 10, 1 being less entertaining then half a USB wire, and 10 being better then a stack of fresh cookies (any type you wish) read more


Got bored–so I got a blog.
Bo ha ha ha ha. ;3

Uh…Anything you people should know? Let me think…

Call me Tet. Ive been playing Maple since Beta–had a lv 56 Pizard. But back in Beta, Poison Brace was hot. Not near as crappy as it is now. After I quit and Beta had shut down, I found out about GMS and downloaded it as soon as I could. I played for awhile on Bera but just didnt care for the community–quit for a month. Then I came back and decided to try Broa–But by then I was tired of all the classes.
So I made a beginner. Tetrin. I WANTED Tetris, but of course it was taken–so I got a headache and walked into the other room to take some tylonol. And saw a bottle of Motrin on the counter. “Tetris…Motrin…Tetrin!” And I walked back over to the computer and typed it in.
This name is not in use, would you like it? Kay thanks! <3
Those days were great…The only real beginner you ever heard about was ProNooblet (Who was retired in his 40s at the time), and without rankings everyone thought you were the greatest. I made some really great friends out of it…and I still love ’em.
The thing was…eventually…Beginners became a fad…And Fads are icky. And since a lot of people are lazy lil [random curses go here], things like: Hacking beginners, Leeched beginners, PQ-wh0re beginners…They all became reality. And with people getting blamed and people doing the blaming, I got tired of it and left. read more

My life story

Juan sneaked into the marketplace , hiding as he ran . He had the skills of a thief but was a bowman . And killing was his hobby . The discovered his thrist for blood at a young age of seven . He had bitten the head off a snail and enjoyed the taste and the road to blood began .


She wished she had not bragged about being about to go to a spearman only school . It was one of the ironies of life . The more she tried to avoid her ex classmates , the more they seemed to be able to find her . She felt lonely , and wrapped her black napoleon around her . A gentle breeze rustled her straight and tidy hair . Her ivory shouldermail and dark shouldermail pants weighted heavily on her . Since she was young , her parents had kept a tight grip on her , never letting her take a cab a long before . In fact , changing schools had given her freedom . More than she ever imagained , she begun to make use of it . read more