My life story

Juan sneaked into the marketplace , hiding as he ran . He had the skills of a thief but was a bowman . And killing was his hobby . The discovered his thrist for blood at a young age of seven . He had bitten the head off a snail and enjoyed the taste and the road to blood began .


She wished she had not bragged about being about to go to a spearman only school . It was one of the ironies of life . The more she tried to avoid her ex classmates , the more they seemed to be able to find her . She felt lonely , and wrapped her black napoleon around her . A gentle breeze rustled her straight and tidy hair . Her ivory shouldermail and dark shouldermail pants weighted heavily on her . Since she was young , her parents had kept a tight grip on her , never letting her take a cab a long before . In fact , changing schools had given her freedom . More than she ever imagained , she begun to make use of it .

Creeping off to the free market , checking out new armour and weapons , it had begun shyly at first . She would twist her head at the slightest sound of name that sounded like hers . She could never relax in fear that her parents would see her . She thought of excuses while she walked on , not paying attention to her surroundings . But three months had passed and she was not caught . It so was part of her life , wandering around perion , exploring and simply put – enjoying freedom .

In class , she understood that it would not be easy to fit in , but did not mind . She was afterall , a brave and joval person from the start . Fitting in would be as easy as killing a slime . No , she frowned . As easy as killing a green mushroom . Or maybe as easy as killing a . . . never mind . I never was good with English .



“ Daddy !! I missed you . Have you got anything form your hunting trips for me ?”

A cheerful voice broke the silence . He spin around expecting to meet the shine of the hazel coloured hair . And the face of his daughter he saw indeed . Only that there was nothing below . His mouth twisted into a snarl . The body was lying limply on the floor . The skin of badly burnt . Burnt by a ciragette butt in different parts and most of all the face . The man who held his daughter ‘ s head by her hair flashed Juan a toothy grin . Krik showed him the eyeball and muttered, “ Dare completed .” And the worlds came crashing down .

*End of flashback*


And now , three months later , she cursed out loud . There were fourteen girls and twenty – six boys in her class . She had meet one of her old friends and was glad for company . Her friend wasn ‘ t really a friend . More of a classmate . She never did really like that girl , but she was ok in overall .

She controlled her tears as she walked on , deeper and deeper into the forested areas . She trudged on thinking and thinking . She had hated them . Hated them for not accepting her , but she was a gentle soul . Her belief was that you should not hate a person . Or dislike them till you were sure . So anyone on a her hate list was sure to be dead meat . But still , it was nice to break the rules once in a while and hate the world , whether it was her fault or theirs . She had cursed them , for not being her friends , for not caring about her . For lying to her .


He crept around the bushes , slapping the occasion mosquitoe that tried to suck his blood . He slicked back his hair and shook his head . Sweat flew in all directions and he grinned . This was his final mission before he could become a loner again . He pulled bushes away and smiled , showing his teeth . Although blind in one eye , he choosed the path of the bowman and had never failed to miss a target . His target was there alright . Siting under a tree , weeping her heart out . He would never understand girls and decided not to . Sneaking up close , he waited for the time to come .


How could she have thought to be able to fit in ? Lonelyness filled her soul , she never felt happy anymore . Only her brother could cheer her up . Footsteps echoed throughout the forest . She stared around . Noramlly , her brian would have been screaming . Screaming for her to go home , but she ignored her brain and followed her heart . She sat down , stared around . How she wished , she could commit suicide . The only thing holding her back was a belief that if she died , she would pay for dying the cowardly way in her next life .

Looking around to make sure there was no one , she shouted out , “ I have done nothing wrong . Why am I friendless ?”

She blinked in surpised and wondering why when she could express her feelings she had nothing to say . Needless to say , it didn ‘ t matter . She then smiled with joy , her gentle soul allowing her to forget her troubles for now .


Creeping around the place he once called home , he fell to his belly . Had the girl spotted him ? Nope , she was too busy moaning . He whipped out a bow and slotted an arrow tipped with poison . No guilt showed on his face , no pity came form his heart . His heart was not made of stone but covered with ice . Ice that had never melted since his daughter left him . A whiz of air and the girl dropped down dead . He grinned , fifteen more to go . Grabbing his bag , he slung it over his shoulders and yelled for help .


She grabbed the arrow and gasped . It had pierced through her heart . In one roar , she screamed a wordless scream , filled with pure loneiness and hatered . As her kness weakened and vision blurred , she saw a one eye man step up to her side . She smiled at him , peace reached her face and said something that seemed so important but sounded meaningless .

“ My name is Regina . . .”


This has relation to me in real life . I changed the story just to not let my classmates understand how I am feeling . Thank you for reading .


9 thoughts on “My life story”

  1. It didn ‘ t disappear . I was just feeling depressed and decided to twist the truth of my life a bit .

  2. It’s spelt ‘loneliness’ and ‘hatred’.
    Remove the *flashback*’s and, hmm. Some bits were unclear, I had to read them twice to understand, especially the flashback portion.
    But it’s alright. Much better than a lot of what my students write. :X

  3. Thank you . And how old are the students you teach ? My spelling is . . . suky . This idea was not meant to be liked too . Heck care , thanks for reading .

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