aint this funny…a person named hax0r and he hacks i’ll put up a picture of him hacking wen my maplestory works bcuz wen i log on the screen turns blue and my computer freezes.
Monthly Archives: January 2007
Best moments in the Ludi PQ
~The best part of waking up, is Folger’s in your cup~
I don’t know where that came from (just ignore it I guess) I’m here to talk about the best moments in a Ludi PQ. Well, I got some pictures of girls from the Ludi PQ that… well died. I always find it funny when a cleric forgets to heal at alishar (and ends up dead) or you trick someone to play with the golems. Either way, there’s just some random errr… fool that ends up in the same PQ as me and she gets herself killed. I’m not saying that ALL girls that PQ are complete and utter morons but that a lot of them end up dead and it’s H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S. I thought I had more pictures of these degrading fools but… for a treat I’ll send some other pictures of… as you can guess, more girls ending up dead xD They’re just random pick-me-ups in life that always keep me laughing.
stats of horntail o.o
well heres the stats of horntail(i think it is whats its called)
left head:
does ice magic attacks
less effective when attacked with ice/lightning
middle head:
does fire magic attacks
less effective when attacked with fire/poison
very effective when attacked with ice
right head:
does lightning magic attacks
less effective when attacked with ice/lightning
mages got unfair ammount of hp
i think mages need more hp and less mp since mages carely have 2k hp when they are level 200(approximately 2k i think)
when mages are fighting bosses(eg.zakum)they can get killed if zakum used drain/seal at the same time.
i died a lot of times because of that in pianus before.even archers and sins got reasonable amount og hp but mages dont have enough.I barely have 1200 hp at level 90 :o. anyway that is all
Super SnowBoard CRAZE!
Everyone in MapleSEA is hunting for them. The ever elusive snowboards, once again released into the MapleSEA world. However, there’s a difference this time; with the first ever appearance of the Super Snowboard, arguably this best of all snowboards.
Stats are as follows: 85 atk, 85 matk, 20 speed, lvl limit 70.
This makes the Super Snowboard not only a luxury item of prestige and power, it also makes it battle capable for spearman and magician classes. Of course, there’s always a catch. The Super Snowboard cannot be hunted from monsters, it must be made from other snowboards. To be more specific, one of each kind of snowboard available must be sacrificed to the Maple Adminstrator to create the Super Snowboard. So that’s 1 sky, 1 aqua, 1 silver, 1 gold, 1 dark and 1 blood snowboard gone.
World of Warcraft
Rare GM footage~ Up close and personal!
With much praise and anticipation, I’ve made a short video with my close encounter of a different kind. Yes, a GM. You never see those. If you don’t know the story to this, go to.. link
Anyways, check it out and I’d thank you much if you commented it on the page and/or rated it a 5/5. <3
Here’s the video. – link
I got banned for three days because I’ve not been doing my homework. Apparently, a GM appeard out of nowhere verifying it.
Erk and the Tale of the Cursed Dolls
NOTE: My HTML skills phail. It’s corrected now, now that I’ve edited this 100 times and given myself a ton of views.
Greetings, MMOTers of all ages, genders, races and sizes! Harken to the Tale of the Cursed Dolls, the fourth installment in the Legend of Erk series. (Spiffy name, don’t you think?) If you haven’t seen the mystical, legendary tales of Erk’s previous adventures, then go get your head lodged in a drainage pipe. Or, you could go read “Erk and the Not Quite Adventure of B3” “Erk and the Witchgrass of Misery Mire” and “Erk and the Trojans of Secret Factory.” Comments and “Liked its” are still welcomed, mainly so I can see how I’m doing, and which ones are the most popular.
Comic Episode 52!
Level 54 at last…and…A guild reborn?
So I go on last week at level 53 with 55%. I am dtermined to stay on this time and it also helped to be with a guild that had 15 open slots. <.<
Good news our master had LOGGED ON. Happened rarely before. So we talked and make me JR.MASTER w00t. Because I had been on the guild for almost 2 months now.
Now I train and talk…train…talk…talk…train…talk….train….talk…talk…talk…talk…train..
You get the point eventually I was just sitting on the platform at jr. yets talking.
But somehow I managed to get to 70% before I died…
Then I got to 80% and had to get off. I was then determined to level the next day…but of course that goal was never acomplished.
Also I added a couple of people to the guild only 10 more spots.