mages got unfair ammount of hp

i think mages need more hp and less mp since mages carely have 2k hp when they are level 200(approximately 2k i think)

when mages are fighting bosses(eg.zakum)they can get killed if zakum used drain/seal at the same time.
i died a lot of times because of that in pianus before.even archers and sins got reasonable amount og hp but mages dont have enough.I barely have 1200 hp at level 90 :o. anyway that is all

15 thoughts on “mages got unfair ammount of hp”

  1. Well thx for sharing your experience with us little boy. Now come with me, I got candy.

    ~Cheezy the Stranger

  2. they have low hp to balance out the classes

    in beta they had about the same hp as thieves and they were too overpowered

    they fixed when the official came out

    this belongs in the forum as well

  3. icyx3 said: “well the problem is that once mages get higher in levels they eventually get weaker”

    if they had normal hp mages would have near zero flaws

    they would be overpowered

    like ninja said just use MG thats all you need

  4. If magicians had as much HP as Bowmen, they would be WAAAAY overpowered.

    The reason for the uber MP is that MAGICIANSĀ…are completely INEFFECTIVE without MP.

    The reason for that?

    Low strength. Low Accuracy.

    And if a boss DOES use Dispel+Seal at the same time, you could just use Holy Water and Magic Guard immediately.

    Unless of course, you have the sense to be standing right on top of said boss when it dispels.

  5. stop complainign all the classes have goods and bads. All the other jobs have disadvantages, too.
    Warriors don’t get any long-range attacks until 3rd job. They have low hp, too.
    Sins only get one attack until 3rd job.
    Bandits either have unstable damage or low damage.
    Bowmen umm i don’t know. They’r ekind of really all-rounded, but that means they don;t excel in anything.

  6. anyway i am going to quit my priest and start a page by the time i get access to my own comp this and stop playing global ms.i am going to start ms taiwan

  7. Magic guard nuff said. Be quiet. You have mana we don’t. Warriors have HP we don’t. Archers and Thiefs are in betwen. Either way its all the same.

  8. *pushes Fenrir with one finger*

    It would be quite unfair if mages had more hp than usual. There are also some stuff against seal you know. . .

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