Level 54 at last…and…A guild reborn?

So I go on last week at level 53 with 55%. I am dtermined to stay on this time and it also helped to be with a guild that had 15 open slots. <.<
Good news our master had LOGGED ON. Happened rarely before. So we talked and make me JR.MASTER w00t. Because I had been on the guild for almost 2 months now.

Now I train and talk…train…talk…talk…train…talk….train….talk…talk…talk…talk…train..
You get the point eventually I was just sitting on the platform at jr. yets talking.
But somehow I managed to get to 70% before I died…
Then I got to 80% and had to get off. I was then determined to level the next day…but of course that goal was never acomplished.
Also I added a couple of people to the guild only 10 more spots.

I got to get on the next day (sunday) and got to 96%!! but had to leave.And It not like I could stay on my parents FORCED me to get off the computer! Now I was stuck at 96% and no computer. Not very nice but what do they care?

I was another week gone by and I log on on Friday. The leveling has finally come. [btw I’m writing this a week after I leveled]. w00t level 54. Now just one more level until my semi-godly thorns!

Oh now the 2nd part of the title.
About the guild our leader was more active then ever. He actually made the first GUILD EVENT. since a month at least.
It started on Saturday when everyone who was on [about 10 people (actually the most people we ever had on at one time) ] met in the FM.

First we had some pick up the items in the room and such with cash prizes.
Then we had look for the item in on of the rooms. Of course without teleport and only 100% speed.
Basicly we ran around naked in the Free market searching in all of the rooms. From an outside bystander we looked like crazy people.

The pizes were money and the last one was a set of TOBIS
but instead of finding an item it was finding a person with a pet.

So that’s it I guess. My next blog will be umm *cough* soon.

Sorry I dont have any pictures of the level but I do have one of after I just logged on. That’s close enough

~Life is like a broken pencil….pointless~

6 thoughts on “Level 54 at last…and…A guild reborn?”

  1. Lol, I like your little thing in the end ^^.

    served13 said: “~Life is like a broken pencil, pointless~”

    I have a quote I made ^^, but it was super uber long so. . . =( but it was

    smidiot said: “-Runs around manically, waving a torchburner-“

    >:D muwahaha! or something like that =)

  2. omg the35?!do u remember me?im jasonthemage i use to be in i think DivineSouls w/ u or something i forgot

  3. o yea im lvl 62 but my cleric got hacked =[
    now im on my hunter and i quit ms xP

  4. I’m still celebrating leveling to 36 last week, I’ll never get to like 50 at this rate o.o


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