The Good, The Bad, and the Nexon

Zerofox Kitsune here again. Hello all at MMOTales!

Warning: TL;DR ahead.

No, this isn’t a rant about Nexon. Well, not completely. Lemme tell you ‘the good’ and ‘the bad’. It’s just some good news and bad news.

And without further ado….*drumroll*

The Good News: My dad got me a free laptop yesterday because someone at his work was pitching it!

The Bad News: I figured out why they were pitching it!

It’s some fat, old model of a Dell. It says “Dell Latitude CP” on it, and the sticker on the inside says “Designed for Microsoft Windows NT/98.

….why do I have a soft spot for old, junky dinosaur computers? (see previous blog)

So, there was a whole bunch of junk and stuff (and more junk) on it, which made it slow. It also didn’t help that Joe Blow partitioned the hard drive 2946293201387471337 times so each partition had less than 2 GB of space on it. And guess what? As a bonus it didn’t even come with a CD-ROM drive! How cool is that?!

I can see why they wanted to throw it away.

But me, being the Angelina Jolee (?) of computer parts, adopted the poor thing and decided to fix it up.

So, as soon as I find my non-FireWire external CD-ROM (which, as a side note, none of my computers even have FireWire…) I’m going to re-format it with my old disk of Windows 98 SE. Obsolete Operating Systems FTW!

Oh and if you’re wondering why I have a FireWire CD-Rom drive and no FireWire compatible computers, it’s because at my mom’s work, they were gonna throw it away because they got DVD drives. It was brand new, too! And when my mom brought it home, it looked at me with those sad, puppy-eyed lights….

Speaking of which, I think she told me they were getting rid of some brand new scanners because they didn’t work with the computers in one computer lab…

Must… resist…. urge to adopt…(I already have an ancient one, too! But the one they have is USB and not Parallel like mine….)

I am very much the kid version of Mr. Deeds. Don’t laugh. I can’t help but be Mr. Nice Guy. ;_;

Anyways, on to MMO blogs…

In the World of MapleStory…

I decided to catch up on some quests. So I went to Aqua Road and killed many Poopa and Baby Seals. After that, I wnet to Ariant. Very interesting town. I logged out after because I started to lag too much.

In the World of Trickster…

I was grinding for a bit, and I think I leveled up. I didn’t have any quests to do, so I logged out and decided to switch games.

In the World of Mabinogi…

I trained Kogekisha, my Brown Fox. He went from level 1 to level 5 in a matter of minutes, because he has amazing attack power and killed some Gray Wolves off. I severely lagged here too, so I logged off.

And now for ‘The Nexon:’

I dunno about you guys, but they’ve been trying to live up to their ‘quirky epic online game’ advertising campaign too much. I mean, seriously. Some of the items in that game get weirder and weirder *cough*newgach*cough*. While weird may not be all bad, they’ve been ignoring what desperately needs to be fixed. Say, for example, the constant server crashes…

Over at Nexon…

Boss: Hey you there. Got any ideas for some updates we can throw in?

Employee A: Sure thing boss! How about we patch those PQs that have those ticket-taking glitches, add some more useful, well spawning maps for all levels, fix some NPC grammatical errors, add more server capacity, and to top it off, 4x EXP and Drop for everybody!


Employee B: How about a golf map? Everyone likes golf!

Boss: BRILLIANCE! You’re getting a promotion! And you, Employee A!

Employee A: Yessir?

Boss: You’re getting a demotion! How can you even conceive such things?!

Employee A: ….sorry boss….

Whew, that was long! See you next time MMOTales!

-Zerofox Kitsune

7 thoughts on “The Good, The Bad, and the Nexon”

  1. . . .why do I have a soft spot for old, junky dinosaur computers? (see previous blog)

    ‘Cause you wanna be the Dinosaur King?

  2. The Mr. Deeds thing isn’t so weird, I think I’m sorta like that too
    Great blogs!

    ~LaZzz. . .

  3. Haha. You get emotionally attached to computers the same way I get emotionally attached to . . . pretty much everything I come in contact with. Are there any disorders out there relating to overattachment to material posessions? Because I’m pathetic. I give every fly I see a name, and get sad when someone swats it. The clutter in my room gets unbearable because I have emotional attachment to EVERYTHING IN IT. It’s pathetic.

    Anyway, yea, we’re kinda similar. Kinda.

    And yea, Nexon is a terd. They go crazy with NX and Gatchapon but don’t fix enough of the other stuff. Because NX and Gatcha is what makes them money. The grammar of NPC’s doesn’t ._.;

  4. Xwolf said: “

    . . .why do I have a soft spot for old, junky dinosaur computers? (see previous blog)”

    ‘Cause you wanna be the Dinosaur King?


  5. vicelin said: “Haha. You get emotionally attached to computers the same way I get emotionally attached to . . . pretty much everything I come in contact with. Are there any disorders out there relating to overattachment to material posessions? Because I’m pathetic. I give every fly I see a name, and get sad when someone swats it. The clutter in my room gets unbearable because I have emotional attachment to EVERYTHING IN IT. It’s pathetic.”

    Same here. I don’t like to get rid of ANYTHING, and I don’t like it when my mom tells me to kill bugs in the house, so I take them outside. I get attached to EVERYTHING.

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