Bandwagon time; Marriages in GMS.

I rarely ever post in here, but I’ll try to change that soon.
My blog today is about Marriages, as the title reads.
I would like to express my displeasure in the fact I can’t marry my boyfriend in MS, due to the fact I too, am male, & chose a male character when I began playing.
However, I understand MS & their side of things, having to explain to kids (who the game is aimed at) why two girls or two girls are allowed to be wed in a game but not in real life, however, it really puts a kink in my boyfriend & I’s playing!
I also would really like people to expand their minds & be more accepted of homosexuals playing MS, or any video game, or even existing for that matter. I get kicked out of PQ’s, or defames, or harassed, or KS’d due to my sexual preference. Yes, it is my choice to tell someone or not when they ask me (& believe me, they do, because I wear rather un-masculine items from the cash shop, in-game), but why should I have to lie to protect my pleasure in playing a MMO? That’s like lying to someone in real life to hide from ridicule.
If I can be some-what free in the real world, why not a video game, you know?

Not sure what to do about it, besides suck it up, & I guess that’s all I have to do, but it gets so tiring sometimes.
The solution on our marriage is, he made a girl account & we’ll be leveling side-accounts until Jan to marry. I want to be level 50 & such! I hope everything goes well.

I hope you are all enjoying GMS.
Thanks for reading, ;o.


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