Preparing for the Fourth Flight

Entry #1

Level Up! I set alarm for 8:30 this morning…but ended up waking up at 9:30. My double exp starts at 9 but I’ve been waking up late recently. Winter holidays in college are so long, and they make me sleep in too much. I need to start waking up at 8:00 to get ready for classes. So yeah, I woke up and got my grind on at Himes. Double exp ended at 1 pm, but I still wasn’t quite there. I had to grind to 1:37. Yesterday I got from Lv 119 0% to 46%. Today I pushed it up to 99.93% at Himes. I rewarded myself by purchasing 4 slots for my storage system in the cash shop. While at Himes, a poor-mannered Ice/Lightning Mage came to my map and ksed my monsters. He was pushy, immature, inpolite, and unreasonable. When I encounter such people in Maple (and I encounter many), I just let it go. There’s no point worrying over the immature people who play this game because they’re mostly kids or young teenagers who’ll learn better eventually anyway (or not).

After my training, I sailed over to Victoria and edged my Priest up to Lv 119 and 99.98% at Zombie Lupin (It was actually 99.99%, but for some reason MS makes this mistake in their exp system quite often. Yes, I know that every value in MS gets rounded down, but even without rounding I was above 99.99 yet it said 99.98). Next, I went to channel one Henesys and purchased a 30 cent fireworks. I teleported west to Henesys Hunting Ground 1, and blasted Shining Ray on snails to level up to 120. I then set off my fireworks, which displayed, “Did I just level to 120 on SNAILS?” I put my remaning Priest SP into Mystic Door. I do have solid reasoning for why more points into Door is superior to more points into Doom, but I won’t get into that.

30 Holy Symbol (max)
30 Shining Ray (max)
30 Summon Dragon (max)
20 Dispel (max)
20 Elemental Resistance (max)
11 Mystic Door
10 Doom

After levelling I did some final research on Fourth Job and the Bishop’s skillbook quests. I took notes and now have the information I need for all Fourth Job quests. I also gathered necessary Fourth Job quest items so that I wouldn’t have to later (such as 3 Steel Plates and 5 Mithril Plates). I then took the rest of the day to finish off quests I hadn’t completed. I traveled all around-Vic, Masteria, Mu Lung, Herb… It turns out some quests actually aren’t doable yet because the NPCs don’t exist. Oh well. I got a lot done in game today. There is virtually no quest on my Available list, except for the few repeatable ones. I spent a couple hours doing Muse is Cooking…that one is hard. In the end, a very kind girl named Sh4dygal shared 54 Shark Fins with me. She looted them while hunting for hackers. Now I’m taking a break to write this FIRST ENTRY of my MS journal. Woohoo! I have a Zakum run in 20 minutes with Quetzatcoatl.

It was really nice hitting 120 because now I don’t feel so left out on the release of Fourth Job. When Third Job came out I really wanted it, but wasn’t 70 yet. So I’m glad I’m not behind this time. Today was also an eventful day because it is my mother’s birthday. I won’t disclose her age. o.<

Props and Slops
Props to:
…my MS friends who are not only good at the game but also interesting, social people. I have friended a few on facebook, and hope to know more of them outside of the realm of an MMORPG game.
…my Guild, the Wu-Tang Clan. My Guild in this game consists entirely of real life friends. They’re all working hard on levelling and have come a long way. I appreciate their hard work. We are GPQing tomorrow! =D
The Wu-Tang Clan is also the name of a group that consists of me and three of my best friends. In high school everyone knew us under that name. (Not to be confused with the Guild (W symbol)uTangClan. They are HACKERS.
…my mother for her birthday.
…Sh4dygal! Thank you so much for the shark fins and for reporting hackers so diligently!
…Jack12345678 for trading fame.

Slops to:
…The I/L who behaved so unprofessionally at Himes. Grow up please.
…All the hackers I encountered throughout the day in all the worlds I traveled to.
…My best DK friend, Klupty, leaving for Hong Kong until February the 20th. (GMS is banned there.) I’ll miss you buddy!

What a great day of MSing.

Last Updated 1/11/08: Draft One (I don’t believe in one draft writing. Good writing always comes from revision.)

7 thoughts on “Preparing for the Fourth Flight”

  1. Y helo ther.

    You’re new, aren’t you? If so, then good job on an excellently-written first blog! 0.0

    Congratz on 120.

  2. I usually only correct typos or grammar errors on revisions. If it doesn’t sound right to start with, it doesn’t make it onto the screen.

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