All posts by Slashtap3

Preparing for the Fourth Flight

Entry #1

Level Up! I set alarm for 8:30 this morning…but ended up waking up at 9:30. My double exp starts at 9 but I’ve been waking up late recently. Winter holidays in college are so long, and they make me sleep in too much. I need to start waking up at 8:00 to get ready for classes. So yeah, I woke up and got my grind on at Himes. Double exp ended at 1 pm, but I still wasn’t quite there. I had to grind to 1:37. Yesterday I got from Lv 119 0% to 46%. Today I pushed it up to 99.93% at Himes. I rewarded myself by purchasing 4 slots for my storage system in the cash shop. While at Himes, a poor-mannered Ice/Lightning Mage came to my map and ksed my monsters. He was pushy, immature, inpolite, and unreasonable. When I encounter such people in Maple (and I encounter many), I just let it go. There’s no point worrying over the immature people who play this game because they’re mostly kids or young teenagers who’ll learn better eventually anyway (or not). read more