There are a lot. A LOT. Of idiots in gunz.
I think many people agrees with me.
I mean, holy Lord. I know that I use SMGs too much for my own good. So what? Everyday, I go on GunZ and spray all the k stylers to hell, and then you know what they went?
‘N00B SPRAYER!!!!!’
‘eew, spray’
Etc. etc.
It’s just. Getting. RIDICULOUS.
Well, this is the funny bit. I switched to twin shotguns the next round because they were whining so much that I had to play mummy and abide by their pleas for me to stop spraying. I still owned them. And you know what they did?
“SPRAYER NOOB -leaves room-“
I mean. Ok. Assuming that I’m a pure sprayer and not a hybrid from now onwards, and I was in the shoes of the k styler I owned, I think I would be pissed off if I trained like hell in k style for half a year and then get pwned by a guy (Or girl) who don’t know half the moves you do, killing you by simply using the simplest move known to mankind: Hitting a couple o’ direction keys at half the speed you hit your keys, and simply aiming and clicking the left mouse button. And those k style moves were hard as hell to train in at that. (K style = Hitting 5-10 keys in a second)
However, seriously.
Instead of calling me a “sprayer noob” or all the other sh**, why don’t people actually recognize the fact that Sprayers are their weakness and train harder in a more amicable manner?
It’s really depressing to think that 95% of the people playing GunZ are K styler ego freaks. People have gotta realize that it’s not the style. It’s the player. A competent k styler would have been able to survive a bunch of spraying, vice versa. It’s the most logical conclusion, and yet, people are still so blind to it.
Holy heavens. The world is ending.
Screencap 1: Spray owns. (The blue team consisted of two k stylers and one sprayer, the red consisted of all sprayers) I mean. Look at my beautiful score after 20 minutes.
P.S. I play IJJI GunZ and LegacyGamers
Spraying rocks. Nice to hear the TRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!~
keep machine-gunning them and get them more pissed lol
I pissed off a lot of people today on GunZ too![](img/ico/emoticon_evilgrin.png)
zomg gunz!1one!
Lol, I used to play. Are you in the IJJI server?
I haven’t played Gunz in so long
That game was crazy fun though
i had to stop because my comp started lagging all of a sudden whenever i played it
I was a level 7 but i was surprisingly good
good times
Lol spray
I’m level 11 and I still suck. O:
I’m a K-Styler, but I’ve come to accept the fact that lots of people like to hold down the mouse button to shoot, which makes perfect sense. I wouldn’t consider that spray; what I call spray is when a person holds down the button for an automatic-shooting weapon who is mindlessly moving the direction back and forth, hoping to get a few shots. And from first person shooters, I’m paranoid to click and shoot a few shots at a time to increase accuracy. (For a lowly 3rd-person shooter game like GunZ, I’m pretty sure that doesn’t increase and accuracy anyways though.)
I wanted to be different, so I learned D-Style. lulz.![](img/ico/emoticon_tongue.png)
But I got pwnt way too often.![](img/ico/emoticon_unhappy.png)
That ain’t a machine gun, that’s a sub-machine gun!
But heck, I could never K-style, so I went to D-style!
Hope to fight with ya’ll soon.
Well, there seem to be alotta idiots in all games, even in Guild Wars now Dx
Ps. How’d you know that there was already a “Reves” (referring to your previous blog) -shifty glance- >_>
I guess someone PM’d him, suspecting him of being you.
Or is he really?
I went to E-Style!
E-style ftw! (btw, wut’s d-style?)